3.7 Daily inspection before starting operation
- Ground
- Controls
- Supports
- Operating area
- Horizontal levelling
- Platform
- Emergency stop button - Oil leakages
- Emergency lowering
- Working area
3.8 Use of emergency stop switches
To use an
emergency stop
kill switch
just p
ress down the switch’s red cap (figure 5 (25)
and figure 6 (4)).
Kill switches are used in emergency situations when normal shutting down procedures are not
possible. For example in accidents and other dangerous situations involving the lift or its user.
Kill switches shut down the engine but outrigger monitoring stays switched on.
Kill switches in upper and lower control panels can be used at any time.
Kill switches can be returned to neutral position by twisting its red cap clockwise.
The emergency stop button in remote control unit will only operate when the remote
control use is selected
3.9 Safety instructions for drive control
1. Do not exceed maximum inclination for drive.
2. Make sure the driving surface is solid.
3. Fasten tools and other materials to prevent them falling.
4. Wear safety harnesses and keep them fastened whenever operating the machine.
3.10 Defining the gradient of the slope
Measure the slope with a digital clinometer, or do as follows:
Take a water level, a straight piece of wood at least 1 m long, and a pocket tape measure.
Place the wood on the gradient. Put the water level on the lower edge of the stick and lift the stick
until it is in horizontal position. Keep the stick level and measure the distance from the lower end of
the stick to the ground. Divide the distance (height) by the length of the wood stick (distance) and
multiply the result by 100.
Wood length = 2 m
Height = 0,5 m
(0,5 / 2) * 100 = 25 % slope
ATTENTION! When crossing slopes always drive up or down the slope, not sideways.
If you have to drive sideways on a slope, lower the downhill side outriggers so that
they are close to the ground. This prevents the machine from tipping over.
ATTENTION! If you note faults or missing equipment on this access platform, do not
put it into operation before the faults have been corrected. Never set the access
platform up in a place where the ground may be too soft. Beware of soft grounds and
potholes in particular