Initial Device Set-Up and System Administration Tasks
When any Vaddio product is shipped from the factory, there is no admin password and the administrative
controls are not available. You will need to access the web interface and set the admin password. This
gives you access to the administrative controls.
Initial Device Set-Up Using the Vaddio Device Controller
The Vaddio Device Controller is a stand-alone tablet for working with Vaddio products' web interfaces.
To complete the initial device set-up with the Vaddio Device Controller:
1. Connect the touch-panel to the network on the same subnet as the products you need to work with –
for example, connect both to the same PoE+ switch.
2. Go to the touch-panel's Configuration page (gear icon) and select Scan.
3. Locate the device you need to work with, and select Use.
4. Select Exit to leave the Configuration page and open the device's web interface.
The first time you access a device at a specific IP address, the Vaddio Device Controller's screen
may remain blank for 20 seconds or more.
5. Set the admin password. This logs you in.
If the Vaddio Device Controller does not find the device, verify that the Vaddio Device Controller and the
device are connected to the same subnet. You may need to
access the web interface manually
Initial Device Set-Up Using the Vaddio Deployment Tool
Be sure you have the current version of the Vaddio Deployment Tool. If you have a copy of the tool
already, compare its version information to the version shown on the release notes. You can find both at
. Release notes
are under the Resources tab.
Complete Manual for the OneLINK Bridge Express AV Interface