Page 1: ... I REMOTE CONTROL MANUAL g g II II II g II g II g I li g a Serial Number May 1992 MODELS 9410 14 20 24 30 50 DUAL AND QUAD CHANNEL DIGITAL OSCILLOSCOPES ...
Page 2: ...2832 EuropeanHeadquarters 2 rue Pr de la Fontaine P O Box 341 1217 Meyrin 1 Geneva Switzerland Tel 022 719 21 11 Telex 419 058 Copyright May1992 LeCroy All rights reserved information in this publication supersedesall earlier versions Specifications subject to change g I i n ii li ii li il i ii g li i II g II L ...
Page 3: ...s Local and Remote State Program Message Form Command Query Form Response Message Form 3 GPIB Operation GPIBStructure Interface Capabilities Addressing GPIBSignals IEEE 488 1 Standard Messages Programming GPIB Transfers Programming Service Requests Instrument Polls Driving a Hard copy Device 4 RS 232 C Operation Introduction RS 232 C Pin Assignments RS 232 C Configuration Commands Simulating GPIB ...
Page 4: ...and Service Request Reporting Status Byte Register STB Standard Event Status Register ESR Standard Event Status Enable Register ESE Service Request Enable Register SRE Parallel Poll Enable Register PRE Internal State ChangeStatus Register INR Internal State Change Enable Register INE CommandError Status Register CMR Device Dependent Error Status Register DDR Execution Error Status Register EXR Use...
Page 5: ...ndix A Example1 Use of the Interactive GPIB Program IBIC Example 2 GPIB Program for IBM PC High level Function Calls Example 3 GPIB Program for IBM PC Low level Function Calls Appendix B The Waveform Template 199 200 202 205 ...
Page 6: ......
Page 7: ... the warrantor s examination discloses that the product is defective due to workmanshipor materials and that the defect has not been caused by misuse neglect accident or abnormal con ditions or operation The purchaser is responsible for transportation and insurance charges for the return of products to the servicing facility LeCroy will return all in warranty products with transportation prepaid T...
Page 8: ...ll LeCroyproducts in need of repair after the warranty pe riod the customer must provide a Purchase Order Numberbefore repairs can be initiated Thecustomerwill be billed for parts and labor for the repair as well as for shipping To determine your nearest authorized service facility contact the Customer Service Department or your field office All products returned for repair should be identified by...
Page 9: ...B It also presents a brief description of remote control messages Sections 3 and 4 explain how to send program messages over the GPIBor the RS 232 Cinterfaces respectively Section 5 alpha betically lists all the remote control commands Section 6 is a detailed description and tutorial of the transfer and format of waveforms whereas Section 7 explains the use of status bytes for error reporting Appe...
Page 10: ...dentified by a after the last character For example to change the time base to 2 msec div the controller should send the following commandto the instrument TIME DIV 2 MS To ask the instrument about its time base this query should be sent TIME DIV A query causes the instrument to send a response message The control program should read this message with a read instruc tion to the GPIBor RS 232 Cinte...
Page 11: ...terminator Upper and or lower case characters can be used for program mes sages The instrument does not decode an incoming program message before a terminator has been received exception if the program messageis longer than the 256 byte input buffer of the instrument the oscilloscope starts analyzing the message whenthe buffer is full The commands or queries are executed in the order in which they...
Page 12: ...t the question markis optional turning the command into a query The detailed listing of all commands in Section 5 indicates which commandsmay also be queries There is a space between the header and the first parameter There are commas between parameters DATE15 OCT 1989 13 21 16 This command instructs the oscillo scope to set its date and time to 15 OCT 1989 13 21 16 The com mand header DATE indica...
Page 13: ... the header path refer to the individual commands listed in Section 5 for de tails on which values apply to a given commandheader C1 C2 Channels 1 and 2 C3 C4 Channels 3 and 4 in 4 channel instruments MC MD Memory C and D FE FF Function E and F EA EB Expand A and B EX EX10 External trigger CI OFST 300 MV Set the offset of Channel 1 to 300 mV Header paths need only be specified once Subsequent comm...
Page 14: ...Three pairs of parameters are spe cified Thefirst specifies the device as the H7470Aplotter or compat ible the second indicates the GPIBport and the third requests the A4format for paper size While the command HARDCOPYSET UP allows many more parameters they are either not relevant for plot ters or they are left unchanged The numeric data type is used to enter quantitative information Numberscan be...
Page 15: ...e to point J3 The instrument displays this message in the Messagefield above the grid These are binary data values coded in hexadecimal ASCII i e 4 bit nibbles are translated into the digits 0 9 A F and trans mitted as ASCIIcharacters Theyare only used for the transfer of waveforms command WAVEFORM and of the instrument configuration command PANEL_SETUP The instrument sends a response message to t...
Page 16: ... case characters response messages are always returned in upper case Program messages may contain extraneous spaces or tabs white space response messages do not Whereas program messages may contain a mixture of short and long command queryheaders response messages always use short headers as a default However the instrument can be forced with the command COMM_HEADER to use long headers or no heade...
Page 17: remote and local modes Devices on the GPIBcan be listeners talkers and or controllers A talker sends program messages to one or morelisteners A con troller manages the flow of information on the bus by sending interface messages to the devices Theoscilloscope can be a talker or a listener but not a controller The host computer however must be able to act as a listener talker and controller For ...
Page 18: ...t s talk address is received Similarly if the oscilloscope is addressed to listen it will remain configured to listen until a universal unlisten command UNL its own talker address MTA is received Thebus system consists of 16 signal lines and 8 ground or shield lines The signal lines are divided into 3 groups 8 data lines 3 handshake lines 5 interface managementlines The eight data lines usually ca...
Page 19: ...ansfer pro tocol e g it defines howa controller addresses devices turns them into talkers or listeners resets themor puts themin the re mote state Such interface messages are executed with the interface managementlines of the GPIB usually with ATNtrue All of these messages except GET are executed immediately upon reception and not in chronological order with normal com mands Note In addition to th...
Page 20: ...ocal message see below As a rule remote commandsare only executed when the instru ment is in the remote state whereas queries are always executed Local front panel control maybe regained by pressing the LO CALpush button unless the instrument was placed in the Local LOckout LLO mode The Local LOckout command LLO causes the LOCALbutton on the front panel of the oscilloscope to be disabled The LLO c...
Page 21: ...omput er If it is not follow the installation instructions of the interface manufacturer In the case of the National Instruments interface it is possible to modify the base I O address of the board the DMA channel numberand the interrupt line setting using switches and jumpers In our program examples they are assumed to be left in their default positions Connect the oscilloscope to the computer wi...
Page 22: ... user s manual In the program examples in this section it is assumed that the National Instruments GPIBdriver GPIB COM is in its default state i e that the user has not modified it with IBCONF EXE This meansthat the interface board can be referred to by the sym bolic name GPIB0 and that devices on the GPlB bus with addresses between 1 and 16 can be called by the symbolic names DEVI to DEV16 Note I...
Page 23: ...XX by the value 59000 or less Lines 100 and 110 open the device DEV4 and associate with it the descriptor SCOPE All I O calls from nowon will refer to SCOPE The default configuration of the GPIBhandler recog nizes DEV4 and associates with it a device with GPIBaddress 4 If you want to use another GPIBaddress between 1 and 16 use the string DEVx with x 1 16 If you want to use another name run IBCONF...
Page 24: ...ting and inspection of the front panel con trois as well as archiving and recalling of waveforms Note that this programis written with just 7 different GPIBcalls IBLOCis used to execute the IEEE 488 1 standard message Go To Local GTL i e it returns the instrument to the local state The programming example above shows its use IBCLRexecutes the IEEE 488 1 standard message Selected De vice Clear SDC ...
Page 25: ...troller must wait until the acquisition is finished before it can read the acquired waveform The simplest wayof checking if a certain event has occurred is by continuouslyor periodically reading the status bit associated with it until the required transition is detected Continuousstatus bit poll ing is described in more detail in the sub section Instrument Polls For a completeexplanation of the st...
Page 26: ...bit in position 0 Since the bit position 0 has the value 1 the command SRE 1 enables the generation of SRQwhenever the INB summarybit is set In addition the events of the INRregister which maybe summa rized in the INB bit must be specified The event new signal acquired corresponds to INEbit 0 value 1 while the event re turn to local is assigned to INEbit 2 value 4 The total sum 1 4 5 Thus the comm...
Page 27: ...ored until a transition is observed This is the most straightforward method for detecting state changes but may be impracticable in somesituations especially in multiple device configurations In the following example the event new signal acquired is ob served by continuously polling the INternal state change Register INR until the correspondingbit in this case bit 0 i e value 1 non zero to indicat...
Page 28: ...rial poll to find out which instrument generated the interrupt It will only exit if there was a time out or if the instrument SCOPE generated SRQ The additional function call IBRSPfetches the value of the status byte which maybe further interpreted For this example to function properly the value of Disable Auto Serial Polling must be set off in the GPIBhandler use IBCONF EXE to check CMD CLS INE 1...
Page 29: ...ine or collectively on a single data line Data line assignments are madeby the controller via a Paral lel Poll Configure PPC sequence In the following example the command INE 1 enables the event newsignal acquired in the INRto be reported to the INB bit of the status byte STB ThePaRallel poll Enable register PRE determines which events will be summarizedin the IST status bit The command PRE 1 enab...
Page 30: ...r unlisten and untalkrespectively They are used to set the devices to a known state Note 3 To shorten the size of the programexamples device talk ing and listening initialization instructions have been groupedinto character chains They are CMDI _ Unlisten Untalk PC talker DSOlistener Note 4 The remote message code for executing a parallel response in binary form is 01101PPPwhere PPPspecifies the d...
Page 31: ... The devices supported by the unit are listed with the command HARDCOPY_SETUP in Section 5 Whenthe hard copy device is connected to the GPIBtwo differ ent configurations should be considered depending on whether or not a GPIBcontroller is available Whenonly the oscilloscope and the hard copy device are con nected to the GPIB the oscilloscope must be configured as talker only and the hard copy devi...
Page 32: ...mesa talker and sends data directly to the printer plot ter Thecontroller stores the full set of printer plotter instructions and sends them afterwards to the graphics device This method is the most straightforward wayof transferring screen contents but it re quires a large amount of buffer storage 110Kfor 4 traces CMD SCDP CALL IBWRT SCOPE CMD FILE PLOT DAT CALL IBRDF SCOPE FILE CALL IBWRTF PLOTT...
Page 33: ...oller board the oscilloscope and the plotter are respectively located at addresses O 4 and 5 The listener and talker addresses for the controller oscilloscope and plotter are Logic device Listener address Talker address controller 32 ASCII space 64 ASCII oscilloscope 32 4 36 ASCII 64 4 68 ASCII D hard copy dev 32 5 37 ASCII 64 5 69 ASCII E Note 2 The characters and appearing in the command strings...
Page 34: ...i i n II i n I m II l i II I n I II II II ...
Page 35: ...ection characters which cannot be printed in ASCII will be represented by their mnemonics LF BS CTRL U is the ASCIIline feed character whosedecimal value is 10 is the ASCIIbackspace character whosedecimal value is 8 meansthat the control key and the U key are pressed simultaneously The remote RS 232 C pin assignments indicated on the rear panel are as follows Pin Description 2 T X D Transmitted da...
Page 36: ...en received Note The RS 232 C baud rate parity character length and number of stop bits are amongthe parameters that are saved or recalled by the front panel SAVE or RECALL button or by the remote commands SAV RCL or PANEL SETUP Whenrecalling care must be taken to ensure that these parame ters are set at the samevalue as the actual ones Otherwise the host may no longer be able to communicate with ...
Page 37: ...inator is the ASCII character CR whose decimal value is 13 The oscilloscope appends a Response Message Terminator to the end of each of its responses It is a string like a computerprompt chosen by the user This string must not be empty The default Response Message Terminator is n r which means LF CR COMM_RS232 EI 3 This command informs the oscilloscope that each message it receives will be termina...
Page 38: ...umberof characters The oscillo scope maybe configured to split responses into manylines This feature is very useful for waveformor front panel setup transfers although it is applicable to all response messages Twoparameters control this feature Line Separator Off messageswill not be split into lines CR LF or CR LF possible line termi nators the maximumnumber of characters in a line Line length COM...
Page 39: ...dputs the oscilloscope into the remote mode Its function is the sameas GPIBasserting the REN line and setting the oscilloscope to listener This command puts the oscilloscope into local mode It clears local lockout It has the same function as GPIBsetting the REN line to false This commanddisables the front panel LOCAL button either immediately if the oscilloscope is already in the remote modeor lat...
Page 40: ... ...
Page 41: ...the characters used to construct the short form shown in upper case Whereapplicable the syntax of the query form is given along with the format of the response the oscilloscope will produce For most commands the description terminates with a short exam ple illustrating a typical use of the command The GPIBexamples assume that the controller is equipped with a National Instruments interface board a...
Page 42: ...ET FUNCTION_STATE To plot or print the contents of the display screen HARDCOPY_SETUP HARDCOPY_TRANSMIT SCREEN_DUMP Save Recall Setup Status Waveform Transfer Miscellaneous 36 To preserve and restore front panel settings PANEL_SETUP RCL RECALL_PANEL STORE_PANEL RST SAV To obtain status information and set up service requests ALL_STATUS CLS CMR DDR ESE ESR EXR INE INR IST OPC PRE SRE STB URR WAI To ...
Page 43: ...s in the remote state Since interrogating the oscilloscope does not change its internal state it maybe queried at any time independently of local or remote operation There are only two exceptions to this rule the queries CAL and TST both recalibrate the oscilloscope and are therefore executed in the remote state only Commands that only affect the remote behavior are executed in dependently of whet...
Page 44: ...As an example consider the syntax notation for the command to set the vertical input sensitivity channel VOLT_DIV v_gain channel C1 C2 v_gain 5 0 mVto 2 5 V The first line shows the formal appearance of the commandwith channel denoting the placeholder for the header path and v_gain denoting the placeholder for the data parameter specify ing the desired vertical gain value Thesecond line indicates ...
Page 45: ...egister refer to the appropriate status register The ALL_STATUS query is useful if a complete overview of the state of the instrument is required ALl_STatus ALl STatus STB value ESR value INR value DDl value CMR value EXR value URR value value 0 to 65535 Thefollowing instruction reads the contents of all the status regis ters CMD ALST CALL IBWRT SCOPE CMD CALL IBRD SCOPE RSP PRINT RSP Response mes...
Page 46: ...TION ARM Command The ARM_ACQUISITION command enables the signal acquisi tion process by changing the acquisition state from triggered to ready ARM_acquisition The following command enables signal acquisition CMD ARM CALL IBWRT SCOPE CMD STOP TRG TRIG_MODE WAIT n g n n B B B II i i n l i II II II ...
Page 47: ...probe Values of 1 10 100 1000 or 10000 may be specified The A Iq ENUATION query returns the attenuation factor of the specified channel channel ATTeNuation attenuation channel C1 C2 C3 C4 attenuation 1 10 100 1000 10000 channel ATTeNuation channel ATTeNuation attenuation Thefollowing command sets the attenuation factor of channel 1 to 100 CMD CI ATTN 100 CALL IBWRT SCOPE CMD 4 channeloscilloscopes...
Page 48: ...t amplifier and time base settings The automatic calibration may be disabled by issuing the com mand ACALOFF Whenever it is convenient a CAL query maybe issued to fully calibrate the oscilloscope When the oscillo scope is returned to local control the periodic calibrations will be resumed The response to the AUTOCALIBRATE query indicates whether auto calibration is enabled Auto_CALibrate state sta...
Page 49: ...e only exception occurs whenno traces are turned on in which case AUTO_SETUP operates on all channels and turns on all of the traces If signals are detected on several channels the lowest numbered channel with a signal determines the selection of the time base and trigger source If only one input channel is turned on the time base will be ad justed for that channel Auto_SETup The following command...
Page 50: ...nd enables or disables the bandwidthlimiting low pass filter The response to the BANDWIDTH_LIMIT query indicates if the bandwidthfilter is on or off BandWidth_Limit mode mode ON OFF BandWidth_Limit BandWidth_Limit mode The following commandturns the bandwidth filter on CMD BWL ON CALL IBWRT SCOPE CMD II II II II II II II Ii II II II II II II 44 II II ...
Page 51: ...ayeither be acti vated for short beeps about 400 msec long in BEEPmode continuously for a certain time interval selected by the user by turning the buzzer ONor OFF A beep request which immediately follows another beep request will be held off for approximately 200 msec Note This commandis always accepted local and remote BUZZer BEEP ON OFF Sending the following code will cause the oscilloscope to ...
Page 52: ...n the returned status number see Table 1 A 0 response indicates that no failures occurred Note This query is only accepted in remote mode CAL CAL diagnostics diagnostics 0 calibration successful BIT BIT VALUE DESCRIPTION 0 1 CH1 failure 1 2 CH2 failure 2 4 CH3 failure 3 8 CH4 failure 4 16 TDC failure 5 32 Triggercircuit failure Failures Table 1 EXAMPLE GPIB Thefollowing instruction forces a self c...
Page 53: the User Request status Register URR and the URQ bit of the Event Status Register to be set This can generate a SRQin local mode provided that the service re quest mechanism has been enabled The response to the CALL_HOST query indicates whether call host is enabled on or disabled off Note This commandcan be executed in both local and remote modes Call HoST state state ON OFF Call_HoST Call_HoS...
Page 54: ...NDS 48 CLS Command The CLScommand clears all the status data registers Note This commandcan be executed in both local and remote modes CLS The following command causes all the status data registers to be cleared CMD CLS CALL IBWRT SCOPE CMD ALL_STATUS CMR DDR ESR EXR STB URR II ...
Page 55: ...CMD CMR CALL IBWRT SCOPE CMD CALL IBRD SCOPE RSP PRINT RSP Response message CMR 0 ALL_STATUS CLS Value 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 Description Unrecognized command query header Illegal headerpath Illegal number Illegal number suffix Unrecognized keyword String error GETembeddedin another message Arbitrary data block expected Non digit character in byte count field of arbitrary data block EOI detecte...
Page 56: BIN HEX GPIB uses both encoding forms RS 232 C always uses HEX Initial settings i e after poweron are DEF9 WORD BIN for GPIB DEF9 WORD HEX for RS 232 C Comm_ForMaT Comm_ForMaT block_format data_type encoding The following code redefines the transmission format of waveform data Thedata will be transmitted as a block of indefinite length Data will be coded in binary and represented as 8 bit integ...
Page 57: ...e sent as WF DAB DABxDABxNL END Note The format OFFdoes not conform to the IEEE 488 2 stan dard and is only provided for special applications where the absolute minimumof data transfer may be important DATA TYPE BYTE Transmits the waveformdata as 8 bit signed integers 1 byte WORD Transmits the waveformdata as 16 bit signed integers 2 bytes Note The data type BYTEtransmits only the high order bits ...
Page 58: ...essed Until the user requests otherwise the SHORT response format is used This command does not affect the interpretation of messages sent to the oscilloscope Headers maybe sent in their long or short form regardless of the COMM_HEADER setting Queryingthe vertical sensitivity of Channel1 mayresult in one of the following responses COMM_HEADER RESPONSE LONG CHANNEL_I VOLT_DIV200E 3 V SHORT CI VDIV ...
Page 59: ...ntroller and the oscilloscope on a terminal printer or similar recording device connected to the RS 232 C port Errors detected by the instrument can be directly viewed Note This commandcan be executed in both local and remote modes The COMM HELP query indicates if the diagnostics utility has been enabled Comm_HeLP target target RS OFF The initial target i e after poweron is OFF Comm HELP Comm_HeLP...
Page 60: ...are 16 bits long word 32 bits long long or float or 64 bits long dou ble In the time block all values are floating values i e 32 bits long When COMM_ORDER HI is selected the most significant byte is sent first When COMM_ORDER LO is specified the least significant byte is sent first The COMM_ORDER query returns the byte transmission order currently in use Note This commandcan be executed in both lo...
Page 61: ... 5 Type CORDHI CORD LO Word MSBxLSB LSBxMSB Long float MSB byte 2 byte 3xLSB LSB byte 3xbyte 2xMSB Double MSB byte2 byte 7 LSB LSB byte 7 byte 2xMSB RELATED COMMANDS WaveformData Transmission Order Table 3 WAVEFORM 55 ...
Page 62: ...has completedits response d Line Length This parameter defines the maximumnumber of characters that will be sent to the host in a single line Remainingcharacters of the response will be output in sepa rate additional lines This parameter is only applicable if a line separator has been selected e Line Separator This parameter is used to select the line split ting mechanism and to define the charact...
Page 63: ... oscilloscope will replace the escape sequence by the corresponding ASCHcharacter For example the escape sequences r 13 and 013 all replaced by the single ASCII character Carriage Return Notation DUPLEXduplex El EO Endoutput string LL LS Line separator SRQ Endinput character Line length SRQService request COMMAND SYNTAX COmm_RS232DUPLEX duplex EI ei char EO co string LL line_length LS Line_sep SRQ...
Page 64: ..._string LL line_length LS line_sep SRQ srq string After executing the command COMM_RS232EI 3 EO R NEND R N the oscilloscope will assume that it has received a complete mes sage each time the ETX decimal value 3 is detected Response messages will be terminated by sending the character sequence CR LF END CR LF ...
Page 65: ...pling mode of the speci fied input channel The COUPLING query returns the coupling mode of the speci fied channel channel CouPLing coupling channel C1 C2 C3 1 C4 i coupling AIM DIM D50 GND channel CouPLing channel CouPLing coupling The following command sets the coupling of Channel 2 to 50 n DC CMD C2 CPL D50 CALL IBWRT SCOPE CMD 4 channeloscilloscopes only 59 ...
Page 66: ...ive VREL Vertical relative OFF Cursors off FAIL Fail test Extended parameters display Note The PARAM mode is turned OFFwhen the XYmode is ON CuRsor MeaSure mode mode HABS VABS HREL VREL PARAM OFF PASS FAIL SHOW CuRsor_MeaSure CuRsor MeaSure mode The following command switches on the vertical relative cursors CMD CRMS VREL CALL IBWRT SCOPE CMD The following commanddetermines which cursor is current...
Page 67: ...ill be placed relative to the upper or lower grid In quad grid mode each channel is permanently assigned to its respective grid with C1at the top and C4at the bottom All other traces maybe re positioned anywhereon the screen using the ver tical position control Note 2 If the parameterdisplay is turned on or the pass fail dis play or the extended parameters display the parameters of the specified t...
Page 68: ...y be grouped in any order and may be restricted to those items to be changed trace CuRsor_SeT cursor cursor cursor HABS VABS HREF HDIF VREF VDIF PREF PDIF ALL trace CuRsor_SeT cursor position cursor position cursor position If cursor is not specified ALL will be assumed If the position of a cursor cannot be determinedin a particular situation its posi tion will be indicated as UNDEF The following ...
Page 69: ...C4 mode HABS VABS HREL VREL ALL trace CuRsor VAlue mode hor_value vervalue mode hor_value ver_value For horizontal cursors both horizontal as well as vertical values are given whereas for vertical cursors only vertical values are given Note If mode is not specified or equals ALL all the measured cursor values for the specified trace are returned If the value of a cursor could not be determined in ...
Page 70: ...second 0 to 59 Note It is not always necessary to specify all the DATE parame ters Only the parameters up to and including the parameter to be changed need to be specified i e to change the year setting specify day month and year together with the required settings The time settings will remain unchanged To change the second setting all the DATE parameters must be specified with the re quired sett...
Page 71: ...ndent or device specific error Register DDR In the case of hardware failure the DDR register specifies the origin of the fail ure Refer to Table 4 page 66 for further details DDR DDR value value 0 to 65535 The following instruction reads the contents of the DDR register CMD DDR CALL IBWRT SCOPE CMD CALL IBRD SCOPE RSP PRINT RSP Response message DDR 0 ALL_STATUS CLS 65 ...
Page 72: ...ilure Is detected 9 512 1 a Channel 2 hardware failure Is detected 8 256 1 a Channel1 hardware failure Is detected 7 4 0 Reserved 3 8 1 a Channel44 overload condition Is detected 2 4 1 a Channel 34 overload condition is detected1 1 2 1 a Channel2 overload condition is detected 0 1 1 a Channel1 overload condition is detected Device Specific Register Structure DDR Table 4 4 channel oscilloscopes onl...
Page 73: ..._sweeps function MC MD FE FF equation source source source source source source AVGS source source C1 C2 C35 C45 max_points 9410114 All others 50 to 10000 50 to 50000 max_sweeps 1 to 1000 Note 1 Parameters are grouped in pairs The first one namesthe variable to be modified and the second one gives the new value to be assigned Pairs maybe given in any order and maybe restricted to the variables to ...
Page 74: ...y 68 The following commanddefines Function E FE to compute the summedaverage of Channel 1 using 5000 points over 200 sweeps CMD FE DEF EQN AVGS C 1 MAXPTS 5000 SWEEPS 200 CALL IBWRT SCOPE CMD FUNCTION_RESET FUNCTION_STATE I INR II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II ...
Page 75: ...command ProcessingNotation ABS Absolute Value AVGC Continuous Average AVGS Summed Average DERI Derivative EXP Exponential power of e EXP10 Exponential power of 10 EXTR Extrema FLOOR Floor Extremaonly ERES Enhanced Resolution Filter INTG Integral LOG10 Logarithm base 10 LN Logarithm base e ROOF Roof Extrema only SQR Square SQRT Square Root Identity or Add Negation or Subtract Multiply Ratio 1 Recip...
Page 76: ... EQN equation MAXPTS max _points SWEEPS max_sweeps DITHER off_on REJECT off_on WEIGHT weight BITS bits function MC MD FE FF equation AVGS source Summed Average equation AVGC source Continuous Average equation paren_source_expr Identity equation paren_source_expr Identity equation paren source expr Negation equation 1 paren_source expr Reciprocal equation paren_source_expr source Addition equation ...
Page 77: ...ce_expr source Floor Roof Square Square Root Logarithm base e Logarithm base 10 Power of e Power of 10 Integral Derivative Absolute Value Enhanced Resolution source_expr multiplier source addend source_expr multiplier source source_expr source addend source_expr source multiplier 0 001e 33 to 999 999e33 addend 999 999e33 to 999 999e33 source EA EB MC MD FE FF C1 C2 C3 C45 max_points 9410 14 All ot...
Page 78: ...ints SWEEPS max_sweeps DITHER off_on REJECT off_on WEI 3HT weight BITS bits The following commanddefines Function E to compute the prod uct of Channel 1 multiplied by 2 1 and augmented by 3 3 and Channel 2 using a maximum of 10000 input points CMD FE DEFEQN 2 1 C 1 3 3 C2 MAXPTS 10000 CALL IBWRT SCOPE CMD FUNCTIONRESET FUNCTION STATE INR I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ...
Page 79: ...ary part of complexresult Magnitude of complex result Phase angle degrees of complex result Power Spectrum Power Density Power Average Rectangular window yon Hann window Hamming window Flat Top window Blackman Harris window DC component suppression function DEFineEQN equation MAXPTS max__points WINDOW window_type DCSUP off on function MC MD FE FF equation FFT source_expr equation REAL FFT source_e...
Page 80: ...te the Power Spectrum of the FFT of Channel 1 Prior to FFT computation Channel 1 is multiplied by 1 018 and 0 055 units of Channel 1 i e Volts is added A maximum of 1000 points will be used for the input The windowfunction is Rectangular The DCcompo nent of the input is not suppressed CMD FE DEFEQN PS FFT 1 018 C1 0 055 MAXPTS 1000 WINDOW RECT DCSUP OFF CALL IBWRT SCOPE CMD I I I I I I I I I COMMA...
Page 81: ...on DEFine function DEFine EQN equation SWEEPS max_sweeps The following commanddefines Function F to compute the Power Spectrum of the Power Average of the FFTbeing computed by the Function E over a maximumof 244 sweeps CMD FF DEF EQN PS AVGP FE SWEEPS 244 CALL IBWRT SCOPE CMD FUNCTION_RESET FUNCTION_STATE INR 75 ...
Page 82: ... file from the memorycard Notation WF AUTOWF all waveforms all autostored wavoforms DELete_file FILE mode mode WF AUTOWF filename filename an alphanumeric string of up to 8 characters fol lowed by a dot and an extension of up to 3 digits Thefollowing commands first delete a front panel setup and then delete all the autostored waveforms from the card CMD DELF FILE P001 PNL DELF FILE AUTOWF CALL IBW...
Page 83: ...of the directory If no memory card is present or if it is not formatted the string will be empty DIRectory_list DIRectory_list directory directory a variable length string detailing the file content of the memory card Thefollowing code asks for a listing of the directory of the memory card CMD DIR CALL IBWRT SCOPE CMD CALL IBRD SCOPE RSP PRINT RSP Response message DIR Memory card of 25 JAN 1991 12...
Page 84: via the DISPLAY OFFcommand This improves instru ment response time since the waveform graphic generation procedure is suppressed Theresponse to the DISPLAY query indicates the display state of the oscilloscope Note Whenthe display has been set to OFF the real time clock and the message field are updated However the waveforms and associated texts remain unchanged DiSPlay state state ON OFF DIS...
Page 85: ... to all expanded traces simultaneously This command is useful if the contents of all expanded traces are to be examined at the same time The DUAL_ZOOM query indicates whether multiple zoom is en abled or not Note This command has the same effect as MULTIZOOM Dual ZOoM mode mode ON OFF Dual_ZOoM Dual ZOoM mode The following example turns dual zoom on CMD DZOM ON CALL IBWRT SCOPE CMD HOR_MAGNIFY HOR...
Page 86: ... STBregister For an overview of the ESBdefined events refer to the ESRtable Table 5 page 82 The ESE query reads the contents of the ESEregister Note This commandcan be executed in both local and remote modes ESE value value 0 to 255 ESE ESE value The following command allows the ESBbit to be set if a user re quest URQbit 6 i e decimal 64 and or a device dependent error DDEbit 3 i e decimal 8 occur...
Page 87: ...Register ESR The response represents the sum of the binary values of the register bits 0 to 7 Refer to Table 5 page 82 for an overview of the ESRregister structure ESR ESR value value 0 to 255 Thefollowing instruction reads and clears the contents of the ESR register CMD ESR CALL IBWRT SCOPE CMD CALL IBRD SCOPE RSP PRINT RSP Response message ESR 0 ALL_STATUS CLS ESE 81 ...
Page 88: ...mand cannotbe executed dueto some device condition e g oscilloscope in local state or a semantic error The EXE bit hasanassociated Execution Error Register EXR whichspecifiesthe error code Referto queryEXR for further details 5 TheDevice specific Error DDE Is set true 1 whenever a hardware failure hasoccurred at power up execution timesuch asa channel overload condition atrigger or atime base circ...
Page 89: ...EXecution error Register EXR The EXR register specifies the type of the last error detected during execution Refer to Table 6 page 84 for further details EXR EXR value value 21 to 64 The following instruction reads the contents of the EXR register CMD EXR CALL IBWRT SCOPE CMD CALL IBRD SCOPE RSP PRINT RSP Response message if no fault EXR 0 ALL_STATUS CLS 83 ...
Page 90: ...henuser attempted to access the card Memory card not formatted whenuser attempted to access the card Memorycard was exchanged whenuser attempted to RECALL the NEXT PREVIOUS or SAME waveform Memory card waswrite protected whenuser attemptedto create a file to delete a file or to formatthe ard Badmemory card detected during formatting Memory card root directory full LECROY_I DIR subdlrectory cannot ...
Page 91: ...K UNKNOWN_FMT DIR_MISSING OK read write WP RW free_space a decimal number giving the number of bytes still available on the card card_size a decimal number giving the total number of bytes on the card battery_status BAT_OK BAT_LOW BAT_BAD Notation Nc BAD BLANK UNKNOWN_FMT DIR_MISSING OK WP RW BAT_OK BAT_LOW BAT_BAD No card Badcard after formatting Emptycard Valid PCMIA format but not supported No ...
Page 92: ...MMANDS 86 The following code will first format a memory card and then verify its status CMD FCRD CALL IBWRT SCOPE CMD CMD FCRD CALL IBWRT SCOPE CMD CALL IBRD SCOPE RSP PRINT RSP Response message FCRD OK RW 130048 131072 BAT_OK DIRECTORY LIST ...
Page 93: ...s a waveform processing function The numberof sweepswill be reset to zero and the proc ess restarted function Function ReSeT function MC MD FE FF Assuming that Function E FE has been defined as the summed average of Channel 1 the following examplewill restart the aver aging process CMD FE FRST CALL IBWRT SCOPE CMD DEFINE INR 1 4 channel oscilloscopes only 87 ...
Page 94: ...essing is memorizedseparately by the oscilloscope for each function Whenthe state of a function is changed the last setup information associated with the newstate will be reactivated There are three other commandswhich maycause a state transi tion The command ZOOM applied to Functions C or D will automatically switch them into zoom state The commands STORE storage from internal waveform and WAVEFO...
Page 95: ...unction_STAte function Function_STAte state The following example switches the internal function memoryC into the mathematical waveformprocessing state thereby re estab lishing the last valid waveformprocessing definition CMD MC FSTA FUNC CALL IBWRT SCOPE CMD DEFINE STORE WAVEFORM ZOOM 89 ...
Page 96: the upper grid and Channel2 in the lower grid In the 4 channel oscilloscopes Channels 1 and 2 are always dis played in the upper grid and Channels 3 and 4 in the lower grid All other waveforms can be vertically positioned anywhere In quad grid mode Channel 1 is always displayed in the upper grid Channel 2 in the second grid etc All other waveformscan be vertically positioned anywhere The GRID q...
Page 97: ...ation DEV device PORT port SPEED plot speed DENS print density PENS plot pens PFEED page feed PSIZE paper size GRID grid square LLX lower left X LLY lower left Y FP5301 Graphtec FP5301 PM8151 Philips PM8151 HP7470A HP 7470A HP7550A HP 7550A HPQJ HPQuietJet HPTJ HPThinkJet HPLJ HPLaser Jet EPSON Epson FX80 N Normal NS Non standard L Low COMMAND SYNTAX HardCopy_SetUp DEV device PORT port SPEED plots...
Page 98: ...9 9 MM lower left X 999 to 999 MM tfor non standard 1 paper size only lower left Y 999 to 999 MM Note For these three parameter values the suffix is optional The suffix Mis assumed HardCopy_SetUp HardCopy_SetUp DEV device PORT port SPEED plot_speed DENS print_density PENS plot__pens PFEED page_feed PSIZE paper_size GRID grid_square LLX lower_left_X LLY lower left Y This example selects a HP7550Apl...
Page 99: ...ts the escape sequence ddd like those de scribed under the command COMM_RS232 see page 56 Before sending the string to the hard copy unit the escape se quence is converted to the ASCII character code HardCopy_TRansmit string string Any sequence of ASCII or escaped characters The following code sends documentation data to a printer CMD HCTR Data from Oct 15 r n CALL IBWRT SCOPE CMD The following co...
Page 100: ... is too large for any of the expanded traces depending on their current source it is reduced to an acceptable value and only then applied to the traces TheVAB bit bit 2 in the STBregister Table 8 page 137 is if a factor outside the legal range is specified The HORMAGNIFY query returns the current magnification factor for t he specified expansion function exp_trace Hor_MAGnify factor exp_trace EA E...
Page 101: ...the sources of expanded traces are sequence waveforms and the multiple zoomis enabled the difference between the specified and the current segmentof the specified trace is applied to all ex panded traces If this would cause the segment of any expanded trace to go outside of the range of the number of segments of sources the difference is adapted and then applied to the traces The VAB bit bit 2 in ...
Page 102: ... exp_trace Hor_POSition hor _position segment Note The segment number is only given for sequence waveforms The following examplepositions the center of the intensified zone on the trace currently viewed by Expand A EA at division CMD EA HPOS 3 CALL IBWRT SCOPE CMD DUAL_ZOOM ZOOM II g l l l B l II i II ...
Page 103: ... the serial number and the firmware revision level IDN IDN LECROY model serial_number firmware_level model 5 character model identifier serial_number an 8 digit decimal code 94xxxxxx firmware_level 2 digits giving the release level followed by a period and a 1 digit update level xx y This example issues an identification request to the scope CMD IDN CALL IBWRT SCOPE CMD CALL IBRD SCOPE RSP PRINT R...
Page 104: 0 of the STBregister For an overview of the INRdefined events refer to Table 7 page 99 The INE query reads the contents of the INE register Note This commandcan be executed in both local and remote modes INE value value 0 to 65 535 INE INE value The following command allows the INB bit to be set whenever a screen dumphas finished bit 1 i e decimal 2 and or a waveform has been acquired bit 0 i e...
Page 105: ... 8 2 4 1 2 0 1 Description 0 Reserved for future use 1 Waveform processing has terminated in Function F 1 Waveform processing has terminated in Function E 1 Waveform processing has terminated In Memory De 1 Waveform processing has terminated in Memory C 1 A memorycard exchange has been detected 1 Memory card has become full in Autostore Fill mode 1 Autostore to memory card cannot begin Checkfor er...
Page 106: ...EDESC enclosed in quotes as the first string parame ter it is possible to inspect only the actual value of that variable Notation BYTE WORD FLOAT raw data as integers truncated to 8 m s b raw data as integers truncated to 16 m s b normalizeddata gain offset applied as floating point numbers gives measured values in volts or appropriate units most significant bits trace INSPect string data_type tra...
Page 107: ... at which the last waveform in Channel 1 was acquired CMD C 1 INSP TIMEBASE CALL IBWRT SCOPE CMD CALL IBRD SCOPE RSP PRINT RSP Response message CI INSP TIMEBASE 500 US DIV 2 The following command reads the entire contents of the wave form descriptor block CMD C 1 INSP WAVEDESC TEMPLATE WAVEFORM_SETUP 101 ...
Page 108: ...ts the intensity to its minimum value The response to the INTENSITY query indicates the grid and trace intensity levels and their control mode INTenSity LOCAL mode GRID value TRACE value mode ON OFF value 0 to 100 PCT Note 1 Parameters are grouped in pairs The first one namesthe variable to be modified and the second one gives the new value to be assigned Pairs maybe given in any order and maybe r...
Page 109: ...0114 9420124130 9450 ON 2 ns dlv 1 ns dlv t 1 ns dlv only to to to 20 ns dlv 20 ns dlv 5 ns dlv Selectable 50 ns div 50 ns div 10 ns dlv ON OFF to to to 5 p s dlv 20FLs dlv 5 s dlv OFF 10 s div 50 s dlv 10 I s dlv only to to to 1000s div 5000s dlv 5000s dlv RIS is not available for sequence mode acquisitions and therefore an attempt to turn it on in that modewill also result in an environ ment err...
Page 110: ...s query reads the current state of the IEEE 488 1 defined ist local message The ist individual status messageis the status bit sent during a parallel poll operation IST IST value value 0 or 1 The following command reads the contents of the IST bit CMD IST CALL IBWRT SCOPE CMD CALL IBRD SCOPE RSP PRINT RSP Response message IST 0 PRE ...
Page 111: ...1 2 3 4 5 6 or 7 8 Figure 1 on next page Note The button names shown in Figure 1 are not the same as those indicated in the front panel figure at the beginning of the Operator s Manual button 1 button 2 button 3 button 4 button 5 button 6 button 7 button 8 button g tart it lit agl vw wwwl EXAMPLE OF A MENU CREATED BY A REMOTE USER Figure 1 Text assigned to the menubuttons will disappear on the nex...
Page 112: ...t mechanismhas been enabled Note This commandcan be executed in both local and remote modes KEY button string position button 1 to 9 string a 12 character string any ASCII code position L1 LC L2 LB Note If the position is omitted LCwill be assumed The example menu shown in Figure 1 was created by issuing the following series of KEYcommands KEY 1 Pause LC KEY 1 MEASUREMENT LB KEY2 Continue LC KEY3 ...
Page 113: ...scope back to local modedeletes the message After the next transition from local to remote the message will be redisplayed The message is cleared at power up whenthe RESET button on the rear panel is pressed or if an empty string is sent MSG The MESSAGE query allows the user to read the last message which was sent Note This commandcan be executed in both local and remote modes MeSsaGe string strin...
Page 114: ... expandedtraces simultaneously This command is useful if the contents of all expanded traces are to be examined at the same time The MULTI_ZOOM query indicates whether multiple zoom is enabled or not Note This command has the same effect as DUAL_ZOOM Multi_ZOoM mode mode ON OFF Multi_ZOoM Multi_ZOoM mode The following example turns the multiple zoom on CMD MZOM ON CALL IBWRT SCOPE CMD HOR_MAGNIFY ...
Page 115: ... mV 5 mV 4 24 times 4 120 mV 2 mV 4 60 times 4 120 mV 1 mV 4 120 times 4 120 mV All Others FixedSensitivity Offset Range Voltage lV 4 10 times 4 lOV 0 5 V to 20 mV 4 12 times 4 6 Vto 4 240 mV 10 mV 4 24 times 4 240 mV 5 mV 4 48 times 4 240 mV If an out of range value is entered the oscilloscope is set to the closest possible value and the VAB bit bit 2 in the STBregister set Note The probe attenua...
Page 116: ...GPIB 4 channeloscilloscopes only 110 channel OFfSeT offset channel C1 C2 C3 C4 offset 12V to 12V maximumrange Note The suffix V is optional channel OFfSeT channel OFfSeT offset The following commandsets the offset of Channel 2 to 3 V CMD C2 OFST 3V CALL IBWRT SCOPE CMD ...
Page 117: ...of the oscilloscope as the instrument starts parsing a command or query only after it has completely processed the previous commandor query The OPC query always responds with the ASCII character 1 as the oscilloscope responds to the query only once the previous commandhas been entirely executed Note This commandcan be executed in both local and remote modes OPC QUERY SYNTAX Response format RELATED...
Page 118: ... a series of response fields listing all the installed options OPT OPT option l option 2 option_N option_i character data Note If no option is present the character 0 will be returned This example queries the installed options CMD OPT CALL IBWRT SCOPE CMD CALL IBRD SCOPE RSP PRINT RSP Response message OPT 0 If the waveformprocessing options WP01 and WP02 are installed the response message is OPT W...
Page 119: ...he setup data block contains invalid data Note The communication parameters those modified by com mands CFMT CHDR CHLP CORDand WFSU and the enable registers associated with the status reporting system SRE PRE ESE INE are not saved by this command PaNel_SetUp setup setup A setup block previously read by PNSU PaNel_SetUp PaNel_SetUp setup 1 The following instruction saves the instrument s current pa...
Page 120: ...any points TRUE l FALSE 0 AREA area BASE base CYCL cycles DLY delay DUTY duty cycle FALL falltime FREQ frequency FRST first point LAST last point MAX maximum MEAN mean MIN minimum OVSN negative overshoot OVSP positive overshoot PER period PNTS points Pg PK peak to peak RISE risetime RMS root meansquare SDEV standard deviation TOP top WlD width SeeTable4 in Chapter 7 of Operator s Manual Parameter ...
Page 121: ...state parameter valu state value decimal numeric value state OK AV PT IV NP LT OF UF OU Note If parameter is not specified or equal to ALL all the parameters followed by their values and states are returned The following query reads the risetime of Expand B EB CMD EB PAVA RISE CALL IBWRT SCOPE CMD CALL IBRD SCOPE RD PRINT RD Response message EB PAVA RISE 3 6E 9S OK CURSOR_MEASURE CURSOR_SET PASS_F...
Page 122: ...ifferent positions on the screen The PASS_FAlL_CONDITION command deals with one position at a time Notation GT Greater than LT Lower than Pass_Fail_COndition pos trace param rel_op ref value pos 1 2 3 4 trace EA EB MC MD FE FF C1 C2 C3 C4 eparam extended parameters see list on next page rel op GT LT ref value 0 001e 33 to 999 999e33 Note The PFCO commandwith no arguments i e PFCO de letes all cond...
Page 123: ...mand Query The PASS_FAIL_COUNTER command resets the Passed Failed acquisitions counter The PASS_FAIL_COUNTER query re turns the current count Pass_Fail_CounTer Pass_Fail_CounTer Pass_Fail_CounTer pass_fail value OF value pass_fail PASS FAIL value 0 to 999999 CURSOR_MEASURE CURSOR_SET PASS_FAIL_DO PASS_FAIL_MASK PARAMETER_VALUE 117 ...
Page 124: ...m the rear panel accessory Emit a loud beep Store to MemoryCard COMMMAND SYNTAX QUERY SYNTAX Response Format EXAMPLE GPIB RELATED COMMANDS Pass_Fail_DO pass_fail act act pass_fail PASS FAIL act STOP SCDP STO PULS BEEP STCD Note The PFDO command with no arguments i e PFDO deletes all actions Pass_Fail_DO Pass_Fail_DO pass_fail act act The following commandforces the oscilloscope to beep and stop ac...
Page 125: ... htol_plus vtol minus vtol _plus htol_minus htol__plus vtol_minus vtol__plus float numbers Note if any arguments are missing the previous settings will be used Pass Fail MaSk Pass Fail_MaSk htol_minus htol_ plus vtol_minus vto plus The following commandgenerates a tolerance mask around the Channel 1 trace The tolerance is set at 1 5 V over the trace and 0 7 V under 25 nanoseconds before the trace ...
Page 126: ...XAMPLE GPIB RELATED COMMANDS PERSIST PERS Command Query The PERSISTcommandenables or disables the persistence dis play mode PERSist mode mode ON OFF PERSist PERSist mode The following code turns the persistence display ON CMD PERS ON CALL IBWRT SCOPE CMD PERSIST_SETUP XY_DISPLAY 120 ...
Page 127: ...AX QUERY SYNTAX Response Format PEr_Cursor_Set cursor position cursor position cursor position cursor HABS VABS HREF HDIF VREF VDIF position 0 to 10 DIV horizontal 4 to 4 DIV vertical Note 1 The suffix DIVis optional Note 2 Parameters are grouped in pairs The first one namesthe variable to be modified and the second one gives the new value to be assigned Pairs maybe in any order and maybe restrict...
Page 128: ...LE GPIB RELATED COMMANDS 122 The following code positions the HREFand HDIFcursors at 2 6 DIVand 7 4 DIVrespectively using Memory C as a reference CMD MC PECS HREF 2 6 DIV HDIF 7 4DIV CURSOR_MEASURE PERSIST PER_CURSOR_VALUE ...
Page 129: ... Vertical relative trace PEr_Cursor_Value cursor cursor cursor trace EA EB MC MD FE FF C1 C2 C3 C4 cursor HABS VABS HREL VREL ALL Note If cursor is not specified ALLwill be assumed trace PEr_Cursor_Value cursor value cursor value cursor value The following code returns the value measured with the vertical relative cursor on Channel 1 CMD CI PECV VREL CALL IBWRT SCOPE CMD CALL IBRD SCOPE RSP PRINT ...
Page 130: ... number of sweeps to be retained in the persistence display The PERSISTSETUP query reports the number of sweeps that will currently be retained in the persistence display PErsist_SetUp sweeps sweeps 1 2 5 10 20 50 100 200 INF PErsist_SetUp PErsist_SetUp sweeps The following code sets the numberof sweeps contributing to the persistence display to 50 CMD PESU 50 CALL IBWRT SCOPE CMD PERSIST ...
Page 131: ...bit s of the parallel poll register will affect the ist individ ual status bit The PRE query reads the contents of the PREregister The re sponse is a decimal numberwhich corresponds to the binary sum of the register bits Note This commandcan be executed in both local and remote modes PRE value value 0 to 65 535 PRE PRE value Thefollowing command will cause the ist status bit to become1 as soon as ...
Page 132: ...Panel setup 0 corresponds to the default panel setup The RCLcommand produces the opposite effect of the SAV command If the desired panel setup is not acceptable the Execution error status Register EXR is set and the EXEbit of the standard Event Status Register ESR is set RCL panel_setup panel_setup 0 to 7 Thefollowing code recalls the instrument setup previously stored in panel setup 5 CMD RCL 5 C...
Page 133: ...L command recalls a front panel setup from the memory card ReCall PaNel FILE filename filename a string of up to 8 characters Anyextension will be ignored Front panel setup files are always stored with the extension PNL on the card The following commandrecalls the front panel setup from file P012 PNL CMD RCPN FILE P012 CALL IBWRT SCOPE CMD PANEL_SETUP SAV STORE_PANEL RCL 127 ...
Page 134: ...FILE mode memory MC MD FE I FF mode SAME PREVIOUS NEXT NEWEST OLDEST filename filename an alphanumeric string of up to 8 characters fol lowed by a dot and an extension of up to 3 digits The following commandsfirst recall a waveform file called SC1 001 into MemoryC after which the NEXT waveform file in the card directory list is recalled to Memory D CMD MC RECFILE SC1 001 MD REC NEXT CALL IBWRT SCO...
Page 135: ...D SYNTAX EXAMPLE GPIB RELATED COMMANDS The RSTcommandinitiates a device reset The RSTsets all 8 traces to the GND line recalls the default setup and causes a cali bration to be performed RST This example resets the oscilloscope CMD RST CALL IBWRT SCOPE CMD CAL RCL 129 ...
Page 136: ...sing the ex ternal clock Sample_CLocK state recordlength state INT EXT recordlength 50 100 200 500 1000 2000 5000 oooo 2oooo 50000 Note If recordlength is not specified the previous value will not be modified The parameter recordlength is initially set to 50000 Sample_CLocK SampleCLocK state recordlength The following command sets the oscilloscope to use the external clock with 1000 data point rec...
Page 137: ...f the instrument at the time the com mandis issued Note The communication parameters those modified by com mands COMM_FORMAT COMM_HEADER COMM HELP COMM_ORDER and WA VEFORM_SETUP and the enable reg isters associated with the status reporting system SRE PRE ESE INE are not saved by this command SAV panel_setup panel_setup 1 to 7 The following code saves the current instrument setup in panel setup 5 ...
Page 138: ...nting however cannot be done in parallel with other oscilloscope operations Screen dumpsmay be aborted by adding A to the screen dump command as shown in the command syntax below The time date stamp which appears on the plot corresponds to the time at which the commandwas executed The SCREEN_DUMP query indicates whether a screen dump is currently in progress ON or has finished OFF SCreen_DumP A No...
Page 139: ...ts the number of segments for se quence modeacquisition The response to the SEGMENTS query indicates the number of segments which is set in the oscilloscope SEGmentS segments segments 9410 14 All others 2 5 10 20 50 2 5 1 O 20 50 100 200 SEGmentS SEGmentS segments The following commandsets the segment count to 100 CMD SEGS 100 CALL IBWRT SCOPE CMD TRIG MODE 133 ...
Page 140: ...ecified trace for manual dis play control An environment error Table 6 page 84 generated if the specified trace is not displayed The SELECT query returns the selection status of the specified trace trace SELect trace EA EB MC MD FE FF trace SELect trace SELect mode mode ON OFF The following commandselects Expand B EB CMD EB SEL CALL IBWRT SCOPE CMD TRACE l I 134 II II ...
Page 141: ...en bit location prevents the associated event from generating a service request SRQ Clearing the SREregister disables SRQinterrupts The SRE query returns a value which when converted to a bi nary numberrepresents the bit settings of the SREregister Note that bit 6 MSS cannot be set and its returned value is always zero Note This commandcan be executed in both local and remote modes SRE value value...
Page 142: ...s Byte register and the MSSsummary message The response to a STB query is identical to the response of a serial poll except that the MSS summarymessage appears in bit 6 in place of the RQS message Refer to Table 8 page 137 for further details on the status register structure STB STB value value 0 to 255 Thefollowing instruction reads the status byte register CMD STB CALL IBWRT SCOPE CMD CALL IBRD ...
Page 143: ... query Is received RQS if serial polling Is conducted 2 Example If SRE 10 and STB 10 then MSS 1 If SRE 010 and STB 100 then MSS 0 3 TheEvent Status Bit ESB Indicates whetheror not one or moreof the enabledIEEE488 2 events have occurredsince the last reading or clearing of the StandardEventStatus Register ESR ESB Is set If enabledevent becomes true 1 4 TheMessage AVailable bit MAV Indicates whether...
Page 144: ...uisition of a signal It changes the acquisition state from ready to triggered and if the trigger modeis AUTO or NORM it will change to trigger mode SINGLE to prevent further acquisition STOP The following command stops the acquisition process CMD STOP CALL IBWRT SCOPE CMD ARM_ACQUISITION TRIG_MODE WAIT n ii n l B l n I l II l II II n n ii ...
Page 145: ...supplied with the filename is ignored 2 If no filename or an emptystring is supplied the oscilloscope generates a filename according to its internal rules 3 If the CARD STORE commandis sent without any argument all traces currently enabled in the Store Setup will be stored on the card This setup can be modified using the STORE_SETUP command The following command stores the contents of ExpandB EB i...
Page 146: ...and WA VEFORM_SETUP and the enable reg isters associated with the status reporting system SRE PRE ESE INE are not saved by this command STore PaNel FILE filename filename a string of up to 8 characters Anyextension will be ignored Front panel setup files are always stored with the extension PNL on the card Note If no filename or an empty string is supplied the oscillo scope generates a filename ac...
Page 147: ...on the card The STORESETUP query returns the current mode of opera tion of Autostore the current data size and the current trace selection SToreSeTup trace enable trace enable AUTO mode SIZE data size trace EA EB MC MD FE FF C1 C2 C3 1 C4 enable FILE DIS mode OFF WRAP FILL clata size WORD BYTE Note 1 Parameters are grouped in pairs The first one namesthe variable to be modified and the second one ...
Page 148: It prevents Expansion A from being stored DIS and enables an autostore to the card until no morespace is left on the memorycard AUTO FILL Every data point will be trans ferred to the card in BYTE format CMD STST C1 FILE C2 FILE EA DIS AUTO FILL SIZE BYTE CALL IBWRT SCOPE CMD STORE INR l I I I II I n l II l II II l l II II ...
Page 149: ...te on the memorycard A filename is automati cally generated in the form of LECROYvv TPL where vv is the 2 digit revision number Note As an example the file name generated will be LECROY21 TPL for revision 2 1 Refer to Section 6 for further information about the waveform template SToreTeMplate The following code stores the current waveformtemplate on the memorycard for future reference CMD STTM CAL...
Page 150: ... formally describes the various logical entities makingup a com plete waveform In particular the template describes in full detail the variables contained in the descriptor part of a waveform Refer to Section 6 for further information TeMPLate TeMPLate template template Avariable length string detailing the structure of a waveform INSPECT I I I l l l n I i I I II I l I II ...
Page 151: ...ttings in the OFF only range For time base settings in the Selectable range the INTERLEAVED command allows the user to choose the required sampling mode RIS 9410 14 9420 24 30 9450 ON 2 ns div 1 ns dtv 1 ns div only to to to 20 ns div 20 ns div 5 ns dlv Selectable 50ns div 50ns dlv 10 ns dlv ON OFF to to to 5 s div 20 Ls dlv 5 s div OFF 10 ts div 50 s dlv 10p s dlv only to to to 1000s div 5000s dl...
Page 152: ...ELATED COMMANDS 146 The following commandsets the time base to 500 gsec div CMD TDIV 500US CALL IBWRT SCOPE CMD The following commandsets the time base to 2 msec div CMD TDIV 002 CALL IBWRT SCOPE CMD INTERLEAVED TRIG_DELAY TRIG_MODE ...
Page 153: ...e An environment error Table 6 page 84 is set if an attempt made to display more than four waveforms The TRACE query indicates whether the specified trace is dis played or not trace TRAce mode trace C1 C2 C3 C4 EA EB MC MD FE FF mode ON OFF trace TRAce trace TRAce mode The following commanddisplays Function E FE CMD FE TRA ON CALL IBWRT SCOPE CMD 4 channeloscilloscopesonly 147 ...
Page 154: ...48 TRG Command The TRG command executes an ARMcommand Note The TRGcommand is the equivalent of the 488 1 GET Group Execute Trigger message TRG The following command enables signal acquisition CMD TRG CALL IBWRT SCOPE CMD ARM_ACQUISITION STOP WAIT II l II l l l II II II a II II l II n II ...
Page 155: ...0 20 The TRIG_COUPLING query returns the trigger coupling of the selected source COMMAND SYNTAX trig_source TRig_CouPling trigcoupling 9410114 30 9420 50 9424 9424E trig_source C1 C2 EX EX10 C1 C2 EX EXIO Cl C2 C4 c1 C2 EX triLcoupling AC DC HFREJ LFREJ AC DC HFREJ LFREJ HFDIV QUERY SYNTAX Response format EXAMPLE GPIB RELATED COMMANDS trig_source TRig_CouPling trig_source TRig_CouPling trig_coupli...
Page 156: ...urred If a value outside the range 10 000 div time div and 100 is specified the trigger time will be set to the nearest limit and the VAB bit bit 2 will be set in the STBregister The response to the TRIG_DELAY query indicates the trigger time with respect to the first acquired data point Positive times are expressed as a percentage of the full horizontal screen and nega tive times in seconds TRig_...
Page 157: ...V with EXTas trigger source 4 0 8 V in 9424E 4 20 V with EXT 10as trigger source The TRIG_LEVEL query returns the current trigger level trig_source TRig_LeVel trig_level 2 channel 4 channel 4 channel oscilloscopes with Exttrigger withoutExt trigger trig_source C1 C2 EX EX10 C1 C2 EX EXIO C1 C2 C4 QUERY SYNTAX Response format EXAMPLE GPIB RELATED COMMANDS trig_level 20V to 20V maximumrange Note The...
Page 158: ...CE is received while the instrument is in the interleaved sampling RIS acquisition mode With the mode SINGLE this command will not arm the trigger Use the command ARMAC QUISITION to actually start a single acquisition The TRIG_MODE query returns the current trigger mode TRigMoDe mode mode AUTO NORM SEQNCE SINGLE WRAP TRigMoDe TRig_MoDe mode The following commandselects the sequence mode CMD TRMD S...
Page 159: ...ow H High X Don t Care PRpattern present ENpattern entered AB pattern absent EX pattern exited COMMAND SYNTAX QUERY SYNTAX Response format EXAMPLE GPIB RELATED COMMANDS The TRIG_PATTERN query returns the current trigger pattern TRigPAttern C l_state C2_state EX_state trig_condi tion Cl_state L H X C2_state L H X EX_state L H X trig_condition PR AB EN EX TRig_PAttern TRig__PAttern C l_state C2_stat...
Page 160: ... be used even if the complex trigger modehas not been activated Notation L Low H High X Don t Care PRpattern present ENpattern entered AB pattern absent EX pattern exited The TRIG_PATTERN query returns the current trigger pattern TRig_PAttern C l_state C2_state C4_state trig_condi tion Cl_state L H X C2_state L H X C4_state L H X trig_condition PR AB EN EX TRiLPAttern TRiLPAttern C l_state C2_stat...
Page 161: ...he commandTRIG GER PA TTERN The TRIG_SELECT query returns the current trigger condition Trigger Notation STD Standard SNG Single source PA Pattern SQ State qualified TEQ Timeevent qualified TI Time PL Pulse larger IL Interval larger EV Event PS Pulse smaller IS Interval smaller SR Source HT Hold type HV Hold value TV Trigger Notation FLD Field FLDCField Count LINE Line CHAR Characteristics LPIC Li...
Page 162: ...rce trigger with Channel 1 as trigger source Hold type and hold value are chosen as Pulse smaller than 20 tsec CMD TRSESNG SR C1 HT PS HV 20 US CALL IBWRT SCOPE CMD TRig _SElect TV SR source FLDC fieid count FLD field CHAR characteristics LPIC lpic ILAC ilace LINE line LINE line source EXin 2 channel oscilloscopes source C3 in 4 channel oscilloscopes field count 1 2 4 8 field 1 to field_count char...
Page 164: ...he trigger slope of the selected source COMMAND SYNTAX trig_source TRig_SLope trigslope 2 hannel 4 channel 4 channel osclllosoopes wlth Exttrigger withoutExttrigger trig_source C1 C2 EX EXIO Cl C2 EX EX10 C1 C2 C4 I I I I I I QUERY SYNTAX Response format EXAMPLE GPIB RELATED COMMANDS trig_slope NEG POS trig_source TRig_SLope trig_source TRig_SLope trig_ slope The following commandsets the trigger ...
Page 165: ...dware of all channels the time base and the trigger circuits Hardware failures are identified by a unique binary code in the returned status number see Table 1 page 46 0 response indicates that no failures occurred Note This query is only accepted in remote mode TST TST status status 0 self test successful This example causes a self test to be performed CMD TST CALL IBWRT SCOPE CMD CALL IBRD SCOPE...
Page 166: ... the last URR query the value 0 is returned Figure 1 page NOTAG shows the button assignments on the instrument URR URR value value 0 to 9 100 The following instruction reads the contents of the URRregister CMD URR CALL IBWRT SCOPE CMD CALL IBRD SCOPE RSP PRINT RSP Response message URR 0 CALLHOST KEY ALL_STATUS CLS Value 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 100 Description nobutton has beenpressed button1 hasbeenpr...
Page 167: ...ecuted even if the trace is not displayed The VERT_MAGNIFY query returns the magnification factor of the specified trace trace Vert_MAGnify factor trace EA EB MC MD FE FF factor 0 2 to 50 maximum trace Vert_MAGnify trace Vert_MAGnify factor The following commandenlarges the vertical amplitude of Func tion E by a factor of 3 45 with respect to its original amplitude CMD FE VMAG 3 45 CALL IBWRT SCOP...
Page 168: ...riginal offset value obtained at acquisition time The VERT_POSITION query returns the current vertical posi tion of the specified trace trace Vert_POSition display_offset trace EA EB MC MD FE FF display_offset 56 DIVto 56 DIV Note The suffix DIVis optional trace Vert_POSition trace Vert_POSition display_offset The following command shifts ExpandA EA upwards by 3 divi sions relative to the position...
Page 169: ...The probe attenuation factor is not taken into account for adjusting vertical sensitivity The VOLT_DIV query returns the vertical sensitivity of the speci fied channel channel Volt_DIV v_gain channel C1 C2 C35 C4 v_ gain 9410114130 All others 1 mVto 2 5 V 5 0 mVto 2 5 V Note The suffix V is optional channel Volt DIV channel Volt_DIV v_gain Thefollowing command sets the vertical sensitivity of chan...
Page 170: ...ontinue command required by the IEEE 488 2 standard has no effect on the oscilloscope as the oscillo scope only starts processing a command when the previous commandhas been entirely executed Note This commandcan be executed in both local and remote modes WAI OPC II II n n II B II II i II II i i n n g ...
Page 171: ...tion process WAIT send TRMD SINGLE loop send ARM WAIT CI PAVA MAX read response process response This example finds the maximum amplitudes of several signals ac quired one after another ARM starts a newdata acquisition The WAITcommandensures that the maximumis evaluated for the newly acquired waveform C1 PAVA MAX instructs the instrument to evaluate the maxi mumdata value in the Channel 1 waveform...
Page 172: ... 6 In the 9424 the WAVEFORM command automatically sets the corresponding function to the memorystate Note Only complete waveforms queried with WAVEFORM ALL can be restored into the oscilloscope The WAVEFORM query instructs the oscilloscope to transmit a waveformto the controller The entities maybe queried independ ently If the ALL parameter is specified all 4 or 5 entities are transmitted in one b...
Page 173: ... skipped to ensure that the data can later be recalled into the oscilloscope FILES CHAN1 DAT RD SPACE 3 CMD CHDR SHORT CI WF CALL IBWRT SCOPE CMD CALLIBRD SCOPE RD Skip first 3 characters CI CALLIBRDF SCOPE FILE Save data in the file CHAN1 DAT 3 The following example illustrates howthe waveformdata saved in example 2 can be recalled into MemoryC FILES CHAN1 DAT CMD MC TRACE ON CALL IBWRT SCOPE CMD...
Page 174: ...NP 5 sends a maximumof 5 data points NP 10 sends a maximumof 10 data points c First point FP Thefirst point parameter specifies the address of the first data point to be sent For waveforms acquired in sequence mode this refers to the relative ad dress in the given segment For example FP 0 corresponds to the first data point FP 1 corresponds to the second data point FP 5000 corresponds to data poin...
Page 175: ...lues are set to 0 i e entire wave forms will be transmitted without sparsing Note 2 Parameters are grouped in pairs The first one namesthe variable to be modified and the second one gives the newvalue to be assigned Pairs maybe given in any order and maybe restricted to those variables to be changed WaveForm_SetUp WaveForm_SetUp SP sparsing NP number FP point SN segment The following command speci...
Page 176: ...ited to 400 characters The WAVEFORM TEXT query returns the text section of the specified trace trace WaveForm TeXt text trace EA EB MC MD FE FF C1 C2 C3 1 C45 text An ASCII message max 400 characters long trace WaveForm_TeXt trace WaveForm_TeXt text The following example shows how to document Function E FE MSG Averaged pressure signal Experiment carried out Oct 15 88 CMD FE WFTX MSG CALL IBWRT SCO...
Page 177: is no trace assigned to the X axis and or the Y axis the value UNDEF will be returned instead of the trace name XY_ASsign X_source Y_source X_source EA EB MC MD FE FF C1 C2 C3 C4 Y_source EA EB MC MD FE FF C1 C2 C3 C4 XY_ASsign XY_ASsign X_source Y_source X source UNDEF EA EB MC MD FE FF C1 C2 C3 1 C4 Y_source UNDEF EA EB MC MD FE FF C1 C2 C3 C4 The following command will assign Channel 1 to ...
Page 178: ...e time cursor values may be measured either with respect to the point 0 0 volts OFF or with respect to the center of XYgrid ON The XY_CURSOR_ORIGIN query returns the current assignment of the origin for absolute time cursor measurements XY_Cursor_Origin mode mode ON OFF XY_Cursor_Origin XY_Cursor_Origin mode The following command sets the origin for absolute time cursor measurements to the center ...
Page 179: ...main Notation HABS HREF HDIF XABS XREF XDIF YABS YREF YDIF Horizontal absolute Horizontal reference Horizontal difference Vertical absolute on X axis Vertical reference on X axis Vertical difference on X axis Vertical absolute on Y axis Vertical reference on Y axis Vertical difference on Y axis XY_Cursor_Set cursor position cursor position cursor position cursor HABS HREF HDIF XABS XREF XDIF YABS ...
Page 180: ...BS XREF XDIF YABS YREF YDIF ALL Note If cursor is not specified ALLwill be assumed XY_Cursor_Set cursor position cursor position cursor position The following commandpositions the XREFand YDIFat 3 DIV and 2 DIVrespectively CMDS XYCS XREF 3DIV YDIF 2DIV CALL IBWRT SCOPE CMDS l li n I il I II l I II ii li li il n li ...
Page 181: ...D HABS_ANGLE HABS_RADIUS HREL_X HREL_Y HREL_RATIO HREL_PROD HREL_ANGLE HREL_RADIUS VABS_X VABS_Y VABS_RATIO VABS_PROD VABS_ANGLE VABS_RADIUS VREL_X VREL Y VREL_RATIO VREL_PROD VREL_ANGLE VREL_RADIUS ALL Note If parameter is not specified or equals ALL all the mea sured cursor values are returned If the value of a cursor could not be determined in the current environment the value UNDEF will be ret...
Page 182: ...Y_DISPLAY XYDS Command Query The XYDISPLAYcommandenables or disables the XYdisplay mode The XY_DISPLAY query returns the current mode of the XY display XY DiSplay mode mode ON OFF XY_DiSplay XY_DiSplay mode The following commandturns the XY display ON CMDS XYDS ON CALL IBWRT SCOPE CMDS 176 II II ...
Page 183: ...ons The response to the ZOOM query indicates which trace is cur rently expanded In 4 channel oscilloscopes the ZOOM command automatically switches the function to the expand state exp_trace ZOOM trace exp_trace EA EB MC MD trace MC MD FE FF C1 C2 C3 C4 exp_trace ZOOM exp_trace ZOOM trace The following example selects MemoryC MC as the source for Expand B EB CMD EB ZOOM MC CALL IBWRT SCOPE CMD DUAL...
Page 185: ...uery to examine the actual template that your in strument is using The template may change as the instrument s firmware is enhanced The template will help provide backward compatibility for the interpretation of waveforms Usually a waveformwill contain just a Waveform descriptor block 1 and a Data array block 5 In more complicated cases or moreof the other blocks will be present The data blocks ar...
Page 186: FFT DATA_ARRAY_I Roof trace Real part DATA_ARRAY 2 Floor trace Imaginary part Note The TEMPLATEalso describes an array named DUAL This is simply a way to allow the INSPECT commandto examine the two data arrays together This is the simplest wayto examinethe contents of a waveform It can be used on both the data and descriptive parts The simplest form of the commandis INSPECT name where the templ...
Page 187: ...iven below in association with the WAVEFORM commandto interpret the measurement The command might then say INSPECT SIMPLE BYTE The examination of data values for waveformswith two data arrays can be done as follows INSPECT DUAL to get pairs of data values on a single line INSPECT DATA_ARRAY_I to get the values of the first data array INSPECT DATA ARRAY 2 to ge the values of the second data array I...
Page 188: ... the instrument using the WAVEFORM command You can also choose to read any single block with a query like C 1 WAVEFORM DAT 1 This can save time and space when you need to read manywave forms all with the sameacquisition conditions or if you are only interested in lots of rawinteger data Consultthe description of the WAVEFORM commandin Section 5 for the names of the various blocks Please be aware t...
Page 189: ...000 0000 0000 OcO0 003f 8000 0000 OfO0 003f 8000 003c 8000 2000 0002 0004 0006 0007 0007 0009 O00b 000c 000d 000f 0011 0011 0013 0015 0016 0016 0019 O01a 0010 001d O01e O01f 0022 0022 0023 0025 0027 0027 0029 O02a 002b 002d 002e 0031 0032 0033 0034 0034 0037 0038 0037 0039 000a ASCII translation b is for uninteresting CI WF ALL 90000 00430WAVEDESCbbb bbbbbLECROY_l_Ib bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb bbbbbbbbbbbbb...
Page 190: data point It should be noted that for oscilloscopes with 10 bit ADCs or for manyother kinds of waveformthis second byte will not be zero and contains interesting information The data is coded in signed form two s complement with values ranging from 32768 8000 hex 32767 7fff hex If we had chosen to use the BYTE option for the data format the values would have been signed integers in the range 1...
Page 191: ...rrespond to measured points The parameters FIRST VALID PNT and LAST_VAL ID_PNTgive the necessary information The descriptor also records the SPARSINQFACTOR the FIRST_POINT and the SEGMENT INDEXto aid interpretation if the options of the WAVEFORM_SETUP command have been used For sequence acquisitions the data values for each segment are given in their normal order and the segments are read out one ...
Page 192: ...e8 0000 at byte 201 HORUNIT S seconds from the string 5300 at byte 265 which gives x 0 1 210e 08 S x 1 0 960e 08 S Sequence waveforms Since sequence waveforms are really many independent acquisi tions each segment will have its ownhorizontal offset These can be found in the TRIGTIME array For the n th segment x i n HORIZ_INTERVAL i TRIGGER_OFFSET n The TRIGTIME array can contain up to 200 segments...
Page 193: ...SET 9 8 5 ns 0 5 ns 0 4 ns 8 5 ns 9 5 ns 10 4 ns 18 5 ns 19 5 ns Waveformsthat have been read in their entirety with the WAVE FORM commandcan be sent back into the instrument Since the descriptor contains all of the necessary information you do not have to be careful about any of the communication format param eters Theinstrument can learn all that it needs to knowfrom the waveform If you want to ...
Page 194: ...he extra precision of the lower order byte of the standard data value the BYTE option lets you save a factor of two on the amount of data to be transmitted or stored If your computer is not able to read binary data the HEX option allows a response form where the value of each byte is given by a pair of hexadecimal digits Data only transfers The COMM_HEADER OFF mode will allow you to get a response...
Page 195: ...n has been started This can also considerably increase the total time that the oscilloscope will be able to acquire events if it has to wait for triggers livetime Minimize the number of waveform transfers by using the se quence modeto accumulate manytriggers for each transfer This is preferable to using the WAVEFORM_SETUP command to re duce the numberof data points to be transferred It also reduce...
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Page 197: ...tatus ChangeBit INB in the Status Byte Register are summarybits the Standard Event Status Register ESR and the Internal State Change Register INR The Message Available Bit MAV is whenever there are data bytes in the output queue The Value Adapted Bit VAB indicates that a parameter value was adapted during a previous commandinterpretation e g if the command TDIV2 5 US is received the time base is s...
Page 198: ... processing terminated Segmentof sequence acquired llii Return to local detected rScreen dump terminated ew signal acquired Standard Event Status Register Set by ESE n Read by ESE Service Request GenoratIor I Status Byte Register Rlmad by Serial Poll Read by STB Internal State Change Enable Register Set by INEn Read by In a9424 bits 8 g are used for Function C D processing terminated Service Reque...
Page 199: ...ting is enabled by setting the corre sponding bit in the Service Request Enable Register with the command SRE32 In this case the generation of a non zero value of CMR ripples through to the Master SummaryStatus bit MSS generating a Service Request SRQ The value of CMR can be read and simultaneously reset to zero at any time with the command CMR The occurrence of a com mand error can also be detect...
Page 200: ...her bits which causedMSS to be set will stay set after a serial poll Thecontroller must reset these bits TheStatus Byte Register maybe read via the query STB The response represents the binary weighted sumof the register bits The register is cleared by STB ALST CLS or after the instrument has been powered up The ESRis a 16 bit register reflecting the occurrence of events The register bit assignmen...
Page 201: ...query SRE The Standard Event Enable Register is modified with the com mand SRE It is cleared with the command SRE0 or after power on It may be read with the query SRE PARALLEL POLL ENABLE REGISTER PRE TheParallel Poll Enable Register specifies which summary bit s the Status Byte Register will set the ist individual local message This register is quite similar to the Service Request EnableRegister ...
Page 202: is cleared with a CMR or ALST query a CLS commandor after power on DEVICE DEPENDENT ERROR STATUS REGISTER DDR The DDR indicates the type of hardware errors affecting the in strument Individual bits in this register report specific hardware failures They are listed with the command DDR in Section 5 The Device Dependent Error Status Register may be read via the query DDR The response is the binar...
Page 203: ...The User Request Status Register may be read via the query URR The response is the decimal code associated with the selected menubutton The register is cleared with a URR or ALST query a CLS command or after power on 197 ...
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Page 205: as sumedto be the address of the oscilloscope All text entered by the user is underlined ibic CR program announces itself ibfind CR enter board device name dev4 CR dev4 ibwrt CR enter string tdiv CR 0100 cmpl count 5 dev4 ibrd CR enter byte count 10 CR 0100 cmpl count 10 54 44 49 56 20 35 30 45 2D 39 dev4 ibwrt CR enter string cl cpl CR 0100 cmpl count 7 dev4 ibrd CR enter byte count 20 CR 2100...
Page 206: addresses 1 to 16 can be called by the symbolic name DEVI to DEV16 Note 2 Lines 1 99 are a copy of the file DECL BAS supplied by National Instruments Thefirst 6 lines are required for the initial ization of the GPIBhandler DECL BAS requires access to the file BIB Mduring the GPIBinitialization BIB Mis one of the files supplied by National Instruments and must exist in the directory currently in...
Page 208: ...ename FILES 730 CMDS MEMS TRACE ON 735 CALL IBWRT SCOPE CMD 740 CALL IBWRTF SCOPE FILE 745 IF IBSTA 0 THEN GOTO 840 750 PRINT 755 RETURN 800 810 ERROR HANDLER 820 830 PRINT IBFIND ERROR 835 END 840 PRINT OPIB ERROR IBERR IBERR IBSTA HEX IBSTA 845 END EXAMPLE 3 GPIB PROGRAM FOR IBM PC LOW LEVEL FUNCTION CALLS The following example has the same function as example 2 but it is written with low level ...
Page 211: ...array blocks when there are more blocks they are in the following sequence the basic descriptor block WAVEDESC the history text descriptor block USERTEXT may or may not be present the time array block for RIS and sequence acquisitions only data array block auxiliary or second data array block With the exception of the data and time arrays every block starts with an 8 character name which identifie...
Page 212: ... bit exponent e fraction 52 bit fraction f and the final value is l s 2 e i023 enumerated value in the range 0 to N represented as a 16 bit data value The list of values follows immediately The integer is preceded by an _ double precision floating point number for the number of seconds and some bytes for minutes hours days months and year double seconds 0 00 to 59 999999 byte minutes 0 to 59 byte ...
Page 213: ...ord endenum chosen by remote command COMM_FORMAT COMM_ORDER enum _0 HIFIRST _I LOFIRST endenum The following variables of this basic wave descriptor block specify the block lengths of all blocks of which the entire waveform as it is currently being read is composed If a block length is zero this block is currently not present BLOCKS 36 40 44 ARRAYS 48 WAVE_DESCRIPTOR USER_TEXT long RES_DESCI long ...
Page 214: ... are reserved The following variables identify the instrument 76 92 96 112 114 2 expansion entries The following variables describe the waveform and the time at INSTRUMENT_NAME string INSTRUMENT_NUMBER long TRACE_LABEL string RESERVED1 word RESERVED2 word which the waveform was generated 116 WAVE_ARRAY_COUNT long PNTS PER SCREEN long FIRST_VALID_PNT long 120 identifies the waveform number of data ...
Page 215: ... the beginning of the trace buffer Value is the same as the FP parameter of the WFSU remote command for input and output indicates the sparsing into the transmitted data block Value is the same as the SP parameter of the WFSU remote command for input and output indicates the index of the transmitted segment Value is the same as the SN parameter of the WFSU remote command for Sequence acquired segm...
Page 216: ...first sweep of the trigger seconds between the trigger and the first data point PIXEL_OFFSET double needed to know how to display the waveform VERTUNIT unit definition units of the vertical axis HORUNIT unit_definition units of the horizontal axis RESERVED3 word RESERVED4 word 2 expansion entries TRIGGER_TIME time_stamp time of the trigger ACQ_DURATION float duration of the acquisition in sec in m...
Page 217: ...lse 1 The following variables describe the basic acquisition conditions used when the waveform was acquired 324 TIMEBASE enum _0 l_ps div _I 2_ps div _2 5_ps div _3 IO_ps div _4 20_ps div _5 50_ps div _6 lO0_ps div _7 200_ps div _8 500_ps div _9 l_ns div _I0 2_ns div _11 5_ns div _12 lO_ns div _13 20_ns div _14 50_ns div _15 100_ns div _18 200_ns div _17 500 ns div _18 l_us div _19 2_us div _20 5_...
Page 218: ...s div _34 200_ms div _35 500_ms div _36 l_s div _37 2_s div 38 5_s div _39 lO_s div _40 20_s div _41 50_s div _42 lO0_s div _43 200_s div 44 500_s div _45 l_ks div 46 2_ks div _47 5_ks div _100 EXTERNAL endenum VERT_COUPLING enum _0 DC 50 Ohms 1 ground 2 DC_IMOhm 3 ground 4 AC IMOhm endenum PROBE_ATT float FIXED_VERT_GAIN enum _0 l_uV div _1 2_uV div _2 5_uV div _3 lO_uV div ...
Page 219: ...v _14 50_mV div _15 lO0_mV div _16 200_mV div _17 500_mv div _18 l_V dlv _19 2_V div _20 5_V div _21 lO_V div _22 20_V div _23 50_V div _24 100 V div _25 200_V div _26 500_V dlv _27 l_kV div endenum BANDWIDTH_LIMIT enum _0 off _I on VERTICAL_VERNIER float ACQ_VERT_OFFSET float WAVE_SOURCE enum _O CHANNEL_I _1 CHANNEL_2 _2 CHANNEL_3 _3 CHANNEL_4 _9 UNKNOWN endenum 213 ...
Page 220: ... the actual format of a data is given in the WAVEDESC descriptor by the COMM_TYPE variable oo ENDARRAY the first 8 chars are always USERTEXT a list of ASCII characters DATA_ARRAY_2 ARRAY Explanation of the data array DATA_ARRAY_2 The data item is repeated for each acquired or computed data point of the second data array of any dual waveform e g the imaginary part of a FFT O MEASUREMENT data ENDARR...
Page 221: ...ta point RISTIME ARRAY Explanation of the random interleaved sampling RIS time array RISTIME This data block is repeated for each sweep which makes up the RIS record O I00 SIMPLE ARRAY Explanation of the data array SIMPLE The data item is repeated for each acquired or computed data point of the first data array of any waveform It is identical to DATA_ARRAY_I above O MEASUREMENT data the actual for...
Page 222: ... g the real and imaginary parts of an FFT O P o MEASUREMENT_l data MEASUREMENT_2 data 00 ENDARRAY O00000 ENDTEMPLATE 9 data in the first data array the actual format of a data is given in the WAVEDESC descriptor by the COMM_TYPE variable data in the second data array the byte offset depends on the actual format of the data which is given in the WAVEDESC descriptor by the COMM_TYPE variable 216 II ...
Page 224: ...TUP STST 141 Index STORE_TEMPLATE Sq I M 143 TEMPLATE TMPL 144 TIME_DIV TDIV 145 146 TRACE TRA 147 TRG 148 TRIG_COUPLING TRCP 149 150 TRIG_DELAY TRDL 150 TRIG_LEVEL TRLV 151 152 TRIG_MODE TRMD 152 TRIG_PATFERN TRPA 2 ch 4 ch with ext trigger 153 TRIG_PATFERN TRPA 4 ch without ext trigger 154 TRIG_SELECT TRSE 155 157 TRIG_SLOPE TRSL 158 TST 159 URR 160 VERT MAGNIFY VMAG 161 VERT_POSITION VPOS 162 V...
Page 225: ... E Error Messages 4 ESE Command Query 80 ESE Standard Event Status Enable regis ter 20 191 193 195 ESR Query 81 82 ESR Standard Event Status Register 20 191 194 EXR EXecution error Register 191 196 EXR Query 83 84 F FORMAT_CARD FCRD Command Query 85 FUNCTION_RESET FRST Command 87 FUNCTIONSTATE FSTA Command Query 9424 only 88 89 G GPIB 11 Address switches 3 12 25 ATN ATteNtion 12 Data lines 12 DCL ...
Page 226: ...ommand Query 95 96 I IBCLR 18 IBCMD 23 IBFIND 16 IBLOC 18 IBRD 16 IBRDF 18 IBRDI 18 19 IBRPP 24 IBRSP 22 Index IBTMO 19 IBTRG 19 IBWAIT 19 22 IBWRT 16 IBWRTF 18 IBWRTI 18 19 IDN Query 97 IEEE Standards See GPIB INE INternal state change Enable register 20 22 23 25 191 193 196 INE Command Query 98 INR INternal state change Register 20 21 22 23 25 191 193 195 INR Query 99 INSPECT Queries 180 182 INS...
Page 227: ...ETUP PESU Command Query 124 Pin Assignments See RS 232 C Polling 21 25 PRE Command Query 125 PRE PaRallel poll Enable register 23 24 193 195 Program Messages 3 4 5 6 R RAN Return Authorization Number 2 RCL Command 126 RECALL REC Command 128 RECALLPANEL RCPN Command 127 Remote State 5 Response Message Form 9 10 Return Procedure 2 RISTIME 180 187 RS 232 C 29 Configuration 30 Echoing 30 Editing 31 Ha...
Page 228: ... 5 9 31 184 Thumbwheel Switch See GPIB Address Switches TIME_DIV TDIV Command Query 145 146 TRACE TRA Command Query 147 Transfers See GPIB TRG Command 148 TRIG_COUPLING TRCP Command Query 149 150 Index TRIG_DELAY TRDL Command Query 150 TRIG_LEVEL TRLV Command Query 151 152 TRIG_MODE TRMD Command Query 152 TRIG_PATFERN TRPA Command Query 2 ch 4 ch with ext trigger 153 TRIG_PATFERN TRPA Command Quer...
Page 229: ...88 189 Waveform Template 205 216 WAVEFORM WF Command Query 166 167 WAVEFORMSETUP WFSU Command Query 168 170 WAVEFORM TEXT WFTX Command Query 170 X XY_ASSIGN XYAS Command Query 171 XY CURSOR_ORIGIN XYCO Command Query 172 XY_CURSOR SET XYCS Command Query 173 174 XY CURSOR VALUE XYCV Command Query 175 XY DISPLAY XYDS Command Query 176 Z ZOOM Command Query 177 ...
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Page 231: ...l Roma 06 300 9700 Milano 02 2940 5634 02 204 7082 Japan LeCroy Japan Tokyo 0081 3 376 9400 Osaka 0081 6 330 0961 Korea Samduk Science Ind Ltd 02 468 04914 Mexico Nucleoelectronica SA 905 593 6043 NewZealand E C Gough Ltd 03 798 740 Norway Avantec A S 02 630520 Pakistan Electronuclear Corp 021 418087 Portugal M T Brandao Lta 02 691116 Singapore Singapore Electronics and Eng Ltd 065 481 8888 Spain ...
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