LT 4448 Indications
Fault Indication
● Fault Indication
There are two areas for indicating faults: FAULT and FAULT INDICATOR. Both areas
indicate the fault detection of input signals.
In the FAULT area, the LED of a fault-detected channel lights in red.
In the FAULT INDICATOR area, the relevant LED blinks in red when a fault is detected in
any of the PRIMARY or BACKUP channels.
For example, if a fault is detected in PRIMARY channel 1, the LEDs light or blink as
Figure 4-16 Fault indication 1
If a fault is detected in BACKUP channel 2, the LEDs light or blink as follows.
Figure 4-17 Fault indication 2
● Resetting Fault Indications
Once a fault is detected, even if the input signals return to normal, the FAULT and FAULT
INDICATOR LEDs will continue to light and blink. To reset these fault indications, apply
proper signals, and then press RESET. The fault indications will turn off.
Figure 4-18 Resetting fault indications