Leader Maple Cream Machine
Year: 2014
Page: 8
The following is one method of preparing cream. With experience you will develop your own methods.
However it is key the cream machine be setup properly.
Remove the assembled paddle bar and paddles from the
base by lifting up on the fasteners to unhook them from the bar
ends. Lift the paddle bar assembly straight up off the pins.
Remove the pan from the base and set aside.
Select the maple syrup to be processed. See the Invert Sugar Testing document to select and adjust the
maple syrup.
Heat approximately 1-½ gallons of maple syrup to 18
F to 24
F above the boiling point of water. If the
syrup starts to boil over, control it by adding a single drop of ATMOS 300 defoamer. To check the current
boiling point of water, heat a pan of water to boiling and check the temperature.
Transfer the heated syrup to the cream machine pan. The syrup needs to be cooled as rapidly as possible.
The cream machine pan can be immersed into a second pan or sink with ice water. Cool the syrup to 75
or cooler.
NOTE: In order to prevent crystals from forming, keep the syrup still.
Place the pan with the cooled syrup
onto the cream machine base. Line the pan up
with the holder. The motor turns clockwise
so align the tabs on the pan to the left side of
the tabs on the holder. This will prevent
slipping and wear when the motor starts.
Turn on the cream machine and continue stirring until the liquid turns to a light brown color and loses its
NOTE: To quicken the process, add previously made cream to the
syrup just prior to stirring. Add
approximately 1-½ teaspoons to the batch of 1-½ gallons.
NOTE: If the cream is stirred for too long it may over thicken. To correct this, add approximately 4
ounces of water and break up with a spoon. Manually turn the machine in a clockwise direction for a
minimum of two turns so as to prevent wear on the screws and motor shaft. Repeat Step 7.
Turn off the cream machine.
Remove the paddle bar assembly.