3 About this product
With the PowAirBox, power is fed in via a special plug-in device. The PowAir-
Box type A combines the supply of electricity and compressed air in a single
line. When the vehicle engine is started, the coupling is automatically discon-
nected from the vehicle and the protective cover closes automatically. The
status display provides reliable information about the current charge status of
the connected battery and the charging process. Two auxiliary contacts in-
stalled in the PowAirBox serve to establish a start locking mechanism.
The supply unit and coupling are supplied with prefabricated connecting
cables. The connection in the vehicle is made via lockable plug-in connectors.
3.1 The PowAirBox System
1 Ceiling bracket
2 Supply unit
When installing the PowAirBox system in the vehicle depot, LEAB recom-
mends direct connection to the electricity and compressed air distribution
with the LEAB PowAirBox ceiling bracket (1). The combination cable (electri-
city and compressed air) leads from the ceiling bracket to the supply unit in-
stalled in the vehicle (2). LEAB also recommends the use of LEAB ABC, LEAB
CPC or LEAB Champ Pro built-in chargers.
For vehicle depots without a complete PowAirBox system, LEAB also offers
supply adapters with different plug connections (e.g. CEE).
LEAB Automotive GmbH
Thorshammer 6
24866 Busdorf
3 About this product
LEAB Automotive GmbH