LDR Canto Followspot
Service Manual
Canto 250HR
Canto 575, 700 and 1200msd/msr
Canto 2000msr FF
Canto 1200TH and 2000TH
Issue 0612
Distribuited by: AMLUX s.r.l.
46042 Castel Goffredo (MN) - [email protected] - www.amlux.it
LDR Canto Followspot
Service Manual
Canto 250HR
Canto 575, 700 and 1200msd/msr
Canto 2000msr FF
Canto 1200TH and 2000TH
Issue 0612
Distribuited by: AMLUX s.r.l.
46042 Castel Goffredo (MN) - [email protected] - www.amlux.it