POWER CORE User Manual
Version: V6.0.0/5
14. Snapshots System
User Access Rights
The User Access Rights Management system brings more security to the installation, since different users may
have different levels of access to specific functions. In addition, it can simplify the console’s operation –
snapshots which load when the user logs in can reset the console for their show.
The system allows administrators to define user groups, users and snapshot groups. A user may belong to one or
more user groups, and snapshot groups are available to all users within each group. When a user logs in, they
have access to the snapshot groups defined for their user group. In our example, the DJs have access to the
"Music" snapshot group, while the Newsreaders have access to "News". Tom is a member of both the DJs and
News user groups, and therefore can access both "Music" and "News" snapshot groups:
Any user group can have administrator access - in our example, the group called "Administrators". Administrators
can create and edit user groups, and define their user rights. This determines which operations users may access
– for example, whether they can save, load or delete snapshots, whether they can control DSP parameters,
whether snapshots are loaded when they login, and so on. See the
for more details.
User rights management data is saved along with VisTool snapshots to/from a file on your PC
(VisConfigurations.mdb). The location of this file is configured within the
VisTool Editor "
Global Settings"