LawnMaster L10 Robotic Lawnmower FAQs
How does it work?
The Lawnmaster L10 is a robotic lawnmower that will mow your lawn independently, freeing
you up to either relax or get stuff done while the lawn is taken care of.
The L10 will alternately mow and charge, returning automatically to the charging dock when
the battery is low.
The mower is contained within the lawn by a boundary wire which is connected to the
charging station. The charging station sends a safe, low voltage signal along the boundary
wire which the mower senses and w
t go past.
The boundary wire should be laid around the area that is to be mowed and can be used to
exclude the mower from certain areas and obstacles, such as trees, shrubs, raised beds and
Is it difficult to install?
Installation requires a boundary wire to be laid around the perimeter of the cutting area and
connected to a charging station. This is simple but may take some time. However, the time
spent setting up is one-time only, and is repaid by many hours of effort-free lawn
What happens to the grass clippings?
The Lawnmaster L10 mows little and often, shaving just the very tips off the grass with 3
sharp metal blades. These tiny clippings are not collected but are instead returned to the
lawn surface where the nutrients contained in them fertilise the soil. This means stronger,
healthier grass with less need for supplemental fertiliser. It also means no grass clippings to
dispose of or compost.
Do I need to charge it?
No, the Lawnmaster L10 will automatically return to the charging station by navigating
anti-clockwise along the boundary wire when the battery is low. If the mower is charging
within the mowing duration, it will resume mowing when the battery is fully charged
again. If the mower is still charging when the mowing duration has ended, it will remain
on stand-by in the dock until the next day.