- 42 -
To delete consumption confirm
, the
deletion confirmation is requested; confirm again
or press to cancel the command.
Write the formula number of which consumption must be deleted in W2 (to delete the consumption
of all formulas write 0) and send command 1135 to CMDR.
In the manual the error conditions are indicated by the messages listed in the Display column; the
corresponding messages via the communication interface are listed in the Protocol column.
SR1 - Bit 2
The weight exceeds the maximum weight by 9 divisions
IS = 3
Waiting for START closure to continue the batching.
IS = 14
It is activated if, at batching start, the formula recalled for running is
not programmed.
SR1 - Bit 1
Instrument internal converter failure; check load cell connections, if
necessary contact technical assistance.
SR1 - Bit 4÷5
Maximum displayable value exceeded (value higher than 999999
or lower than -999999).
SR1 - Bit 3
The weight exceeds 110% of the full scale.
SR1 - Bit 0
The load cell is not connected or is incorrectly connected; the load
cell signal exceeds 26 mV; the conversion electronics (AD
converter) is malfunctioning.
The value set for the parameter is beyond the permitted values;
press to quit the setting mode leaving the previous value
unchanged. Examples: a number of decimals is selected for full
scale which exceeds the instrument's display potential; value above
the maximum setting value; the weight value set in sample weight
verification does not match the detected mV increase; the analog
output correction goes beyond the permitted limits.
IS = 10
It is activated when there is a weight alarm and it cancels the
current batching.
IS = 7
It is activated if at batching start the fall value is higher than the
product quantity to be batched.
Gross weight equal to zero: the semi-automatic tare operation
cannot be performed.
IS = 18
During the batching it indicates that the product is not loaded. It is
automatically cancelled if the product increases.