LAUDA Ultra-Thermostats
UB 20(-D), UB 25, UB 50, UB 30, UB 40
UB 20 F, UB 20 J, UB 30 J, UB 40 J, UB 65 J
UB 20 JL, UB 30 JL, UB 40 JL
YATE0013 / 10.04.02
- 47 -
Connection for analogue signals socket 52 S
6-pin flange socket according to NAMUR recommendation NE 28.
Pin 1:
voltage output temperature signal channel 2: setpoint T
, bath
temperature T
, external Pt 100 T
or T
can be selected. Scaling
can be as follows:
0...10 V corresponding to a temperature range selected within
the working temperature range (e.g. 50...80°C)
minimum load 4 kOhm
0...6 V = -200...400°C = 10 mV/K
0°C = 2 V
0...10 V = -100...400°C
0...10 V = 0...100°C
Pin 2:
voltage output temperature signal channel 1, other data as pin 1
Pin 3:
ground for all signals
Pin 4:
setpoint voltage input; scaling can be selected as pin 1. R
12 kOhm approx.
(+ pin 4; - pin 3)
Pin 5:
current output temperature signal channel 1; signal selection as
pin 1. Can be configured for 0...20 mA or 4...20 mA. Scaling can
0...20/4...20 mA
0...20/4...20 mA
0...20/4...20 mA
a temperature range
selected within the
working temperature
(e.g. 50...80°C)
maximum burden 330 Ohm
Connect only either pin 2 or pin 5!
Pin 6:
setpoint current input; configuration and scaling as pin 5.
Burden 320 Ohm approx. Maximum voltage 15 V!
Connector plug, 6-pin
Cat. No. EQS 057
Use shielded connecting cables. Connect the shielding to the plug case. The mass for
all signals (pin 3) must not be connected with ground! If a connection to the ground
cannot be avoided use a potential-free signal bridge in between.
Cover the unused connectors with protective caps!