LAUDA Ultra-Thermostats
UB 20(-D), UB 25, UB 50, UB 30, UB 40
UB 20 F, UB 20 J, UB 30 J, UB 40 J, UB 65 J
UB 20 JL, UB 30 JL, UB 40 JL
YATE0013 / 10.04.02
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Depending on the selected configuration of the analogue outputs (see Item 9.12) the
socket 52 S (analogue signals, see Item 9.10) at pin 2 carries a voltage signal of approx.
95% or 9.5 V, or pin 5 the corresponding current signal of approx. 19 mA in case of
current configuration for channel 1.
Using a precision multimeter or e.g. a temperature recorder set the output signal to 9 V
or 18 mA or the corresponding temperature by the repeated operation of the key
leaves the menu and the most recent value setting is entered.
If the value was selected too low, leave the PAR level with
and make a new
The calibration of channel 2 is similar. Connect the measuring instrument to pin 1
(voltage signal only).
Operation with through-flow chiller DLK 45 with proportional cooling
At the PAR level display select
DLK normal =
DLK 45 auto = 1
Select „DLK normal“ by pressing 0 in order to have the function as already known of the
two outputs 19 H and 34 H.
Select „DLK auto“ by pressing 1 in order to operate a through-flow chiller DLK 45 with
automatic compressor control and proportional cooling; see also operating instructions
of the through-flow chillers.
Calibration of the temperature measurement circuits
With the calibration function the indications of the three temperature measuring points
bath temperature T
, external Pt 100 probe T
and external Pt 100 probe T
can be set
to a known accurate value. The resulting correction is processed additively over the
entire temperature range.
Check first that a sufficiently accurate reference is available, otherwise it is better to use
the factory calibration which gets lost by overwriting!