LAUDA Ultra-Thermostats
UB 20(-D), UB 25, UB 50, UB 30, UB 40
UB 20 F, UB 20 J, UB 30 J, UB 40 J, UB 65 J
UB 20 JL, UB 30 JL, UB 40 JL
YATE0013 / 10.04.02
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Unpacking, assembly and setting up
6.1 Unpacking
The goods are packed carefully, largely preventing transport damage. If unexpectedly
some damage is visible on the equipment please inform the carrier or the postal
authority so that it can be inspected.
Standard accessories
1 Bath cover
Cat. No. HDR 001
for U 3, USH 6, USH 12
1 Bath cover
Cat. No. HDR 023
for U 6(-D), US 6(-D)
1 Bath cover
Cat. No. HDR 022
for U 12(-D), US 12(-D)
1 Bath cover
Cat. No. HDQ 045
for UB 20(-D), UB 30, UB 40
1 Ball-form condenser
Cat. No. EG 002
for USH 6, USH 12
4 Nipples 13 mm dia.(fitted)
Cat. No. HKO 026
2 Nipples 11 mm dia.
Cat. No. HKO 025
4 Screw caps (fitted)
Cat. No. HKM 032
1 m Perbunan tubing
Cat. No. RKJ 012
(11 mm int.dia.)
1 Controller R 400 P
Cat. No. LRK 013
1 Mains cable for R 400 P
Cat. No. EKN 012
Operating Instructions
Setting up, operation as bath thermostat
Set the thermostat and the controller R 400 P next to each other.
Make the connections between the thermostat and the control unit (45 H to 40 H and 61
S to 57S) and lock the plugs.
Insert the mains cable into the socket 12 H of R 400 P.
Ensure a minimum spacing of 20 cm between the grille at the rear of the unit and the
wall so that the air circulation through the grille is not restricted.
Close the drain cock at the back or side of the bath!
When operating as a bath thermostat - no external system connected up - link the pump
connectors together with a piece of tubing.
As a permanent arrangement the hose link of flexible insulated metal tubing
(Cat. No. LZM 044) is the best and safest solution.
Open the pump adjusting lever to improve the circulation within the bath.
UB 65 J is fitted with an overflow connection (below the pump connectors). Here the
hose is connected. Place a suitable vessel below it.