MIPI DSI to OpenLDI/FPD-Link/LVDS Interface Bridge Soft IP
User Guide
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Figure 4.8. DSI Model Video Data
Instantiating the IP
The core modules of MIPI DSI to OpenLDI/FPD-Link/LVDS Interface Bridge IP are synthesized and provided in NGO
format with black box Verilog source files for synthesis. Verilog source files named
instantiate the black
box of core modules. The top-level file
, OSC and PLL components.
The IP instances do not need to be instantiated one by one manually. The top-level file and the other Verilog source
files are provided in
. These files are refreshed each time the IP is regenerated.
A Verilog instance template
or VHDL instance template
also provided as a guide if the design is to be included in another top level module.
Synthesizing and Implementing the IP
In Clarity Designer, the Clarity Designer project file (.sbx) is added to Lattice Diamond as a source file after IP is
generated. All required Verilog source files for implementation are invoked automatically. The IP can be directly
synthesized, mapped and placed/routed in the Diamond design environment after the IP is generated. Note that
default Diamond strategy (.sty) and default Diamond preference file (.lpf) are used. When using the .sbx approach,
import the recommended strategy and preferences from
directories and set them as
active strategy and active preference file.