Cable connection to the internet using a Modem/Router
- Connect the network cable to the Media Player and your Modem/Router.
- In most cases your Modem/Router will automatically assign network settings to your
media player and display the screen below. Then click OK. If not, you may have to:
-Turn on and login into your Modem/Router to ensure an IP address can be
automatically assigned to your Media Player (DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration
Protocol must be enabled)
- After connection has been successful the below screen will be displayed, showing IP,
Netmask, Gateway and DNS. Then click OK.
Wi-Fi connection to the internet using a Modem/Router
- Go into the "Settings" at the home screen, select "Wi-Fi" option.
- A list of available Wi-Fi connections will be displayed. See the example screen below.
Note: The Ethernet cable musts be unplugged.