5: Commands and Levels
PremierWave® 2050 Enterprise Wi-Fi® IoT Module Command Reference
reply to
Sets the Reply To address for email alerts. <text> = email
address to place in the Reply To field of the email alert.
Sends an email using the current settings.
Displays the current configuration.
show history
Displays the last 20 commands entered during the current
CLI session.
show log
Displays the email log.
show statistics
Displays email statistics.
Sets the Subject for email alerts. <text> = text to placed
as the subject.
Sets To addresses for email alerts. <text> = a quoted,
semicolon separated list of email addresses.
Stores the current configuration in permanent memory.
email 9 (email:9) level commands
auto show statistics
Continuously displays email statistics.
Sets Cc addresses for email alerts. <text> = a quoted,
semicolon separated list of email addresses.
clear log
Clears all entries from the mail log.
clear mail counters
Sets the email counters to zero.
Clears the screen.
default priority
Sets X-Priority for email alerts to 3 (normal).
Enters the configure email level.
Exits to the enable level.
message file
Specifies a text file, the contents of which will be the mes-
sage body of an email alert. <text> = the name of a local
no cc
Removes the Cc addresses for email alerts.
no clear mail counters
Restores the email counters to the aggregate values.
no message file
Removes the file name, so the message body will be
no reply to
Removes the Reply To address for email alerts.
no subject
Removes subject used for email alerts.
no to
Removes the To addresses for email alerts.
priority high
Sets X-Priority for email alerts to 2 (high).
priority low
Sets X-Priority for email alerts to 4 (low).
priority normal
Sets X-Priority for email alerts to 3 (normal).
priority urgent
Sets X-Priority for email alerts to 1 (urgent).
priority very low
Sets X-Priority for email alerts to 5 (very low).
reply to
Sets the Reply To address for email alerts. <text> = email
address to place in the Reply To field of the email alert.
Sends an email using the current settings.
Displays the current configuration.
show history
Displays the last 20 commands entered during the current
CLI session.
show log
Displays the email log.
show statistics
Displays email statistics.