The default communication parameters for the device port are:
9600 baud, 8
data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity, Xon/Xoff flow control, and a port type of
. Most equipment that uses serial console ports uses values complimentary
to the above settings, so it is not usually necessary to change the device port
Adapters from Lightwave Communications must be used to connect the device
port to a serial console port. Otherwise, the serial pin signals may not match and
there will be no communication between the two units. See Appendix A for
adapter and port pinouts.
ConsoleServer 800 device port
device with RS-232-C serial console port
RJ45-terminated Cat 5 cable (standard LAN cable)
Lightwave adapter for serial console port
Attach the Lightwave adapter to the serial console port.
Connect the Cat 5 cable to the adapter. Connect the other end to the
ConsoleServer 800 device port.
Check that the device port and serial console port communications
parameters match, and synchronize them if they do not match. See
sections 4.3 and 4.6.3 for more information regarding the device port
Connecting the Network Port
The ConsoleServer 800’s network port allows remote access to the attached
devices and the system administrative functions. Up to eight remote users may
telnet to the ConsoleServer, along with one remote administrator.
The point of connection for the ConsoleServer (e.g., a network switch)
must run at 10 Mbits, half-duplex with no auto-negotiation. It is imperative
that there is no auto-negotiation of the connection speed, as this will
prevent the establishment of a functioning network connection.
It is also recommended that the network run pure TCP/IP, and not a combination
of protocols.