Section 5: Maintenance & Lubrication
LR1660, LR1672, LR1684 & LR1696, LR2684 & LR2696 Landscape Rakes 302-305M
Proper servicing and adjustments are key to the long life
of any implement. With careful inspection and routine
maintenance, you can avoid costly downtime and repair.
Check all bolts after using unit for several hours to be
sure they are tight. Replace any worn, damaged, or
illegible safety labels by obtaining new labels from your
Land Pride dealer.
The parts on your Landscape Rake have been specially
designed and should only be replaced with genuine Land
Pride parts. Do not alter the rake in a way which will
adversely affect its performance.
To prevent serious injury or death:
Always secure equipment with solid, non-concrete supports
before working under it. Never go under equipment
supported by concrete blocks or hydraulics. Concrete can
break, hydraulic lines can burst, and/or hydraulic controls
can be actuated even when power to hydraulics is off.
Always check all rake hardware for tightness before moving
or working around the unit. Make sure pivot retaining
hardware is tighten to the correct torque. The rake can fall
from its pivot mount if retaining hardware is loose or
To prevent serious injury or death:
Allow only persons to perform maintenance on this
implement who have been properly trained in its safe
Perform scheduled maintenance. Check for loose
hardware, missing parts, broken parts, structural cracks,
and excessive wear. Make repairs before putting implement
back into service. Serious breakdowns can result in injury
Do not alter implement or replace parts on the implement
with other brands. Other brands may not fit properly or
meet OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer)
specifications. They can weaken the integrity and impair the
safety, function, performance, and life of the implement.
Replace parts only with genuine OEM parts.
Hydraulic fluid under high pressure can penetrate the skin
and/or eyes causing a serious injury. Wear protective gloves
and safety glasses or goggles when working with hydraulic
systems. Use a piece of cardboard or wood rather than
hands when searching for leaks. A doctor familiar with this
type of injury must treat the injury within a few hours or
gangrene may result. DO NOT DELAY.
Section 5: Maintenance & Lubrication
Long-Term Storage
Clean, inspect, service, and make necessary repairs to
the implement when storing it for long periods and at the
end of the season. This will help to ensure the unit is ready
for field use the next time you hook-up to it.
Remove all dirt and grease that has accumulated on
the rake and then wash the surface thoroughly with a
garden hose.
2. Inspect for loose, damaged, or worn parts and adjust
or replace as needed.
3. Repaint parts where paint is worn or scratched to
prevent rust. Ask your Land Pride dealer for aerosol
touch-up paint. They are also available in touch-up
bottles with brush, quarts, and gallon sizes by adding
TU, QT, or GL to the end of the aerosol part number.
4. Replace all damaged or missing decals.
5. Lubricate as noted in
below. A coating
of oil may be applied to the unpainted surfaces of the
rake teeth to minimize oxidation.
6. Store rake on a level surface in a clean, dry place.
Inside storage will reduce maintenance and make for
a longer rake life.
Follow all unhooking instructions on page 16 when
disconnecting tractor from rake.
Ordering Replacement Parts
Land Pride offers equipment in factory standard Beige
with black highlights. This implement is also available in
When ordering an optional color, the suffix number
corresponding to the color must be added at the end of the
part number. Parts ordered without the suffix number will
be supplied in factory standard colors.
For example, if you are ordering a replacement part with
part number 555-555C and the existing part is orange,
then add the suffix 82 to the end of the number to make the
part number read 555-555C82.
Land Pride Touch-up Paint
Part No.
Part Description
82 . . . . . . . Orange
85 . . . . . . . Black