Chapter 6: Point- to- point connections
station for a P2P connection (LANconfig:
Wireless LAN
Physical WLAN settings
Point-to- Point
In the dialog for setting up point-to-point connections, LANmonitor requests
the required information for establishing the P2P connection:
Assuming that the P2P path is configured at both ends, i.e. the two
remote base stations are entered with their respective MAC addresses; has
the point-to-point operating mode been activated?
Which access point is to be monitored? All of the base stations defined as
P2P remote stations in the respective device can be selected here.
Are both antennas approximately aligned? The connection over the P2P
path has to be functioning basically before you start fine-tuning with the
aid of LANmonitor.
Once signal monitoring has commenced, the P2P dialog displays the absolute
values for the current signal strength and the maximum value since starting
the measurement. The development of the signal strength over time and the
maximum value are displayed in a diagram.
Initially you should only adjust one of the two antennas until a maximum
value is achieved. This first antenna is then fixed and the second antenna is
then adjusted to attain the best signal quality.
In the configuration of point-to-point connections, entries have to be made
for the point-to-point operation mode, the channel selection scheme and the
MAC addresses of the remote sites.