Chapter 6: Point- to- point connections
6 Point- to- point connections
LANCOM Wireless access points serve not only as central stations within a
wireless network, they can also operate in point-to-point mode to bridge lon-
ger distances. For example, they can provide a secure connection between
two networks that are several kilometers apart—without direct cabling or
expensive leased lines.
The behavior of an access point when exchanging data with other access
points is defined in the "Point-to-point operation mode".
The access point only communicates with mobile clients
The access point can communicate with other access points and with
mobile clients
The access point only communicates with other base stations
In the 5 GHz band, the automatic search for vacant WLAN channels can lead
to several simultaneous test transmissions from multiple access points, with
the result that they do not find each other. This stalemate situation can be
avoided with the appropriate "Channel selection scheme":
This access point takes over the leadership when selecting a free
WLAN channel.
All other access points will search for a channel until they have
found a transmitting Master.
Thus it is recommended for the 5 GHz band that one central access point
should be configured as 'Master' and all other point-to-point partners should
be configured as 'Slave'. In the 2.4 GHz band, too, this setting simplifies the
establishment of point-to-point connections if the automatic channel search
is activated.
It is imperative that the channel selection scheme is configured cor-
rectly if the point-to-point connections are to be encrypted with