LANCOM 1722 VoIP – LANCOM 1723 VoIP – LANCOM 1724 VoIP – LANCOM 1823 VoIP
Chapter 1: Introduction
Advantages of the SIP remote gateway:
The local telephone connection at any site is available for use by any of
the offices throughout the entire company.
National and international long-distance calls can be mapped to local or
regional calls, so saving costs.
Automatic routing of incoming calls to the responsible employee.
Connecting sites without a SIP PBX
Companies with widely disperse offices and without their own SIP PBX can
also take advantage of VoIP site coupling. In this "Peer-to-Peer" scenario, a
LANCOM VoIP Router has been implemented at both locations.
Along with data transfer via VPN, it is also possible to use VoIP functions
between the two locations.
The advantages of peer-to-peer site coupling
ISDN and analog PBXs at different locations can form a common internal
telephone network.
An SIP PBX is not necessary.
Calls within the company network are at no charge.
Outgoing calls are directed to the optimal line for cost optimization.
Incoming calls can be switched directly to the appropriate employee at a
different location.
VoIP Router
VoIP Router
L ocal PSTN
SIP Phone
SIP Phone
SIP Phone
Branch office