Stationary Battery Analyzer
Model No.
Instruction Manual
Chapter 1: Description
CTE-3000 is a stationary battery analyzer that measures the conductance and voltage of 12V lead acid
stationary battery to identify those that:
. Are good.
. Are serviceable
. Need to be replaced.
2. Specification
2.1 The analyzer measures the status of a battery in voltage and conductance values. It displays
conductance values in Siemens (S). Ampere hours (Ah) are a typical measurement of jar capacity; however,
they are difficult to measure without knowing the load to which the jars supply power. Lancol recommends
that you use a reference value to compare the conductance value to the test results. A reference value is a
typical conductance value for the type of jars you are testing. For more information about determining a
reference value, refer to
Chapter 2: Pre-testing.