Product Description
Unit Components
Laird Thermal Systems s.r.o
Operation Manual, 387009851
Date: 08/09/2022
Version: 1.0
Liquid-Air Cooling Unit LA 5000
4.3 Unit Components
Additional information can be retrieved from the flow scheme shown in the addendum. The unit consists of
the following main components:
Fig. 6: Main components
1 Heat exchanger
2 Tank for coolant
3 Pump
4 Casing
Cooling Circuit
In the cooling circuit the coolant is driven by the pump to the device that is to be cooled and back via the
return flow. The heat is dissipated into the ambient air by an air-cooled heat exchanger. Exceedance of the
maximum pump pressure is prevented by a by-pass circuit.
The liquid temperature is controlled by an electric thermostat, whereas liquid throughput is controlled by a
flow control device. Both indications are made potential-free and must be integrated into the safety circuit of
the device to be cooled.