Single Mode BLE Module
Americas: +1-800-492-2320 Option 2
Europe: +44-1628-858-940
Hong Kong: +852-2923-0610
Implement SPI chip select using any unused SIO pin within your
BASIC application script then
SPI_CS is controlled from
BASIC application allowing multi-dropping.
SIO pin direction
BL600 modules shipped from production with
BASIC runtime engine FW, all SIO pins (with
“default function” of “DIO”) are mostly digital inputs (see Pin Definitions Table2). Remember to change
the direction SIO pin (in your
BASIC application script) if that particular pin is wired to a device that
expects to be driven by the BL600 SIO pin configured as an output. Also these SIO pins that are inputs
have by default (in FW) no internal pull-up or pull-down resistor-enabled, and therefore are floating.
You are free to configure in your
BASIC application script.
Note: Internal pull-up, pull down will take current from VCC.
nRESET pin (active low)
Hardware reset. Wire out to push button or drive by host.
By default module is out of reset when power applied to VCC pin.
50-Ohm RF track for interfacing with BL600-ST RF pin (pin 30)
BL600-ST brings out the RF on trace pad (pin 30) and this must be tracked to–RSMA connector using
50-Ohms track on host PCB (to stay with regulatory certifications). More details in Checklist for PCB
layout for BL600-ST.
PCB Layout on Host PCB - General
Checklist (for PCB)
MUST locate BL600-Sx module close to the edge of PCB (mandatory for BL600-SA for on-board chips
antenna to radiate properly).
Use solid GND plane on inner layer (for best EMC and RF performance).
Place GND vias close to module GND pads as possible
Unused PCB area on surface layer can flooded with copper but place GND vias regularly to connect
copper flood to inner GND plane. If GND flood copper underside the module then connect with GND
vias to inner GND plane.
Route traces to avoid noise being picked up on VCC supply and AIN(analogue) and SIO (digital) traces.
Do NOT run any track near NC pins pin38 and 39 of BL600-Sx.
Ensure no exposed copper underside of the module (refer to land pattern of BL600 development
PCB Layout on Host PCB for BL600-SA
Antenna keep-out on host PCB
The BL600-SA has an integrated chip antenna and its performance is sensitive to host PCB. It is critical
to locate the BL600-SA on the edge of the host PCB (or corner) to allow the antenna to radiate properly.
Refer to guidelines in section
PCB land pattern and antenna keep-out area for BL600-SA
. Some of those
guidelines repeated below.
Ensure there is no copper in the antenna keep-out area on any layers of the host PCB. Keep all
mounting hardware and metal clear of the area to allow proper antenna radiation.