DOC: Recorder Out Operation – V3.0 May 2021
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LB5900 Series Power Sensor
Analog Recorder Output Operation Guide
The Recorder Output function (Option 001) is a 0 to 1 VDC calibrated, scalable output that is
proportional to the measured RF input power. Note that on LB5900 series Analog Recorder Out
and Trigger Out share the same connector. Only one can be used at any one time. PMA-12 sets
the output to Recorder Out automatically when Recorder Out is selected using the Mode
dropdown menu. Once this is done, the Start RO button can be used to enable and disable
Recorder Out. The recorder output signal passes through a 40 Hz hardware filter and the output
is updated 1,000 times per second.
An important unique feature of LadyBug’s Recorder Output Option is that it is capable of
running when no computer is connected. For example, after the options are set up, and
Recorder Out is active, the sensor can be powered through the USB cable or through the SPI
cable if Option SPI has been purchased; and recorder output will deliver a calibrated analog
output if set accordingly.
Figure 1 - Recorder Out Setup
The level setup for the Recorder Out is located in the
Sensor’s Detail Tab. Setup is accomplished by establishing a
desired power level for 0-Volts (lower power level) on the
Recorder Output and a power level that is to result in a 1-
Volt Output (the higher power level). Power applied below
the lower level will result in a 0-Volt output; and power
over the higher power will result in a 1-Volt output. It is
important to note that the sensor’s output MUST be driven