Get Connected Faster
Add the LaCie eSATA PCI Card for instant connectivity to your
eSATA peripherals. The LaCie eSATA PCI Card Design by Sismo
features two external eSATA connectors, and can run at speeds
of up to 1.5 Gbits/s, making it the best interface choice for
professionals who demand high speeds. The LaCie eSATA PCI
Card Design by Sismo supports all eSATA devices (SATA I and
SATA II). This versatile card has a 32-bit PCI form factor for
superior compatibility with all motherboard sizes.
Easy Installation
Installation is extremely easy, and the LaCie eSATA PCI Card is
even driver-free on Mac
OS! And since it’s hot pluggable, there’s
no need to restart your computer when you plug a new eSATA
device into it; you’ll be able to use the card as soon as you plug
it in. Just find an available PCI slot, and you can instantly put the
eSATA PCI Card to work.
Data Protection
This card supports RAID 0 and RAID 1 for data protection in Mac
OS X and Windows
, making it ideal for users who need fast,
efficient, and reliable backup of their data. Choosing RAID 0
offers maximum speed and capacity during data backup, while
RAID 1 helps provide maximum data safety by writing data twice.
With the LaCie eSATA PCI Card, it’s your choice.
Functional Design
Created in collaboration with design firm Sismo, the LaCie eSATA
PCI Card features an anti-static handle that provides protection
and safety against electrostatic discharge that can damage your
card, storage device, or even computer. Its unique, exclusive
design shows a commitment both to form and function.
D E s I G n by s I s M O
• Add two eSATA ports to your computer
• Anti-static handle for electrostatic discharge protection
• Fast transfer rate up to 150MB/s
• Unique, exclusive design by Sismo
Add Two eSATA Ports
to Your Computer