Labgear TV Distribution System
Using a sharp knife carefully remove 20mm of the outer
plastic of the cable, ensuring not to cut the shield
braiding below. Take half the braiding to each side and
twist, creating two tails.
Remove the metal foil to expose the insulator below.
With your knife trim the insulator to about 2-3mm from
the base of the exposed cable, ensuring not to cut the
inner cable.
Ensure that none of the braids from the outer tails are
loose. Pull the tails down and twist them round the
outer insulator in a
‘helter-skelter’ formation.
Twist the connector down so it bites onto the braiding
and outer insulator. Check that there is no connection
between the inner core and braiding and tighten until
the inner insulator is in line with the inside hole
Trim any excess braiding with a sharp knife and tightly
wrap round the edge with electrical insulation tape. For
outdoor use (ie satellite dish/masthead amp) it is
recommended that you dip the connector into
Vaseline/silicon grease for waterproofing.
How to fit an F-type connector
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