Architect’s and Engineer’s Specifications
NLB 60E NomadLink Bridge & System Controller
Overview and Functions
The network bridge and system controller shall provide an interface
between multiple power amplifiers equipped with NomadLink moni-
toring/control facilities and a host computer running associated De-
viceControl software. Communication between the network bridge
and system controller and the host computer shall be over an Ethernet
LAN using TCP/IP protocols. The IP address for the network bridge
and system controller and system controller shall be entered manu-
ally from the front-panel or set remotely by a DHCP server. Commu-
nication between the network bridge and system controller and the
power amplifiers shall be over a daisy-chained subnet with intercon-
nections on Cat-5 cable using RJ45 connectors. The subnet shall
accommodate as many as 60 amplifiers and as many as 480 ampli-
fier channels. The distance between the network bridge and system
controller and any amplifier, or between any two amplifiers, shall be
up to 300 m (980 ft.) and total length of the subnet cabling shall
be up to 700 m (2300 ft.) when the network forms a closed loop.
When the network is an open daisy-chain, total length shall be up
to 400 m (1300 ft). The network bridge and system controller shall
be able to detect a closed loop network, and report an error if the
loop is broken. The network bridge and system controller shall pro-
vide phantom power through the network, thereby maintaining a
network connection when amplifiers are powered off or malfunc-
tioning. Mute on/off function for all channels in the subnet shall be
accessible on front-panel buttons. General faults as well as individual
amplifier faults shall be indicated with a red Fault LED on the
front-panel and on the character display. The network bridge and
system controller shall offer three general purpose input (GPI)
connections for external control purposes; one GPI shall sense
voltage (above or below +10 VDC) while two GPIs shall sense con-
tact closure. GPI’s shall be user configurable to operate amplifier
subnet power on/off and mute channels.
Connectors, Controls, and Indicators
The following connectors shall be provided on the rear-panel: one
EtherCon RJ45 for Ethernet; two EtherCon RJ45 for loop subnet
(NomadLink) In and Out; one 2-pole Phoenix input for voltage sens-
ing GPI; and two 2-pole Phoenix inputs for contact-closure GPI. The
following connector shall be provided on the front-panel: one stan-
dard RJ45 Ethernet in parallel with the rear-panel Ethernet connec-
The following controls shall be provided on the front-panel: six navi-
gation and parameter selection keys, and two momentary switches
to activate global power on or off for all power amplifiers connected
to the subnet.
The following LED indicators shall be provided on the front-panel:
front-panel operation locked (yellow), fault warning (red), ampli-
fier subnet muted (red); NomadLink (subnet) connected and active
(blue); Ethernet connected (orange), and Ethernet active (yellow).
A 2x16 character display with white text on blue background shall
display network status and parameters.
Power Supply
The network bridge and system controller shall have a universal
power supply with automatic selection of AC line sources from 100
V to 240 V at 50 Hz or 60 Hz. Power consumption shall be less than
20 watts.
The network bridge and system controller shall be 483 mm (19 in.)
wide, 44 mm (1.75” or 1 U) high, and 208 mm (8.2 in.) deep. Weight
shall be 2.25 kg (5 lbs.). Housing shall be plated and painted steel
with an anodized aluminum front-panel.
The network bridge and system controller shall be approved for use
as specified by CE and CSA. The network bridge and system control-
ler shall be the Lab.gruppen NomadLink Bridge & System Controller
NLB 60E.
Item no. AES-NLB60E_V4
L a b . g r u p p e n a b
S w e d e n
i n t e r n a t i o n a L c o n t a c t
i n f o @ L a b g r u p p e n . c o m | u S c o n t a c t
i n f o u S @ t c e L e c t r o n i c . c o m
w w w . l a b g r u p p e n . c o m