Temp. Rev. 16 Page 721
Apr. 15/16
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Underwater Acoustic Beacon Assembly & Installation
(See Figure 713 and IPL Figure 1, Item 80)
The Underwater Acoustic Beacon is mounted on the Model FA2100’s CSMU front
bracket with the beacon’s water switch facing to the left (refer to Figure 713, 1–80).
When replacing the 30
day ULB it is recommended that
new mounting hex screws (MS 16995-54) are used to en-
sure a secure connection to the CSMU.
When replacing the 90
day ULB it is REQUIRED that four
new mounting hex screws (L-3AR p/n 2290200424) that are
used to secure the ULB brackets to the CSMU.
When converting from a 30
Day ULB to a 90
Day ULB, the L
3AR ULB Conversion
Kit, P/N 068E5542
00, is recommended. This kit contains the 90
Day ULB and the
attaching hex mounting screws. Converted CVR units must be marked with MOD
DOT #15. Refer to FA2100CVR SB022 for more details.
Once a unit has been changed to a 90
Day ULB, it can not
revert to a 30
Day ULB due to the Hardware MOD
Refer to the IPL effectivity column, as some specific
FA2100CVR Part Numbers that only are allowed only
Day ULBs to be installed.
For complete testing of the ULB and battery replacement
procedures, refer to the 90
Day Underwater Locator Bea-
con CMM, L-3 p/n 165-E5542-00.
Insert the Underwater Acoustic Beacon (1-80) into the right and left beacon
mount bracket (1-70) with the beacon water switch facing left and replacement
date label visible to the front.
Apply thread-locking adhesive, Table 701 item1, to four 1/4–20, 1” hex-cap
bolts (1-75).
Insert and tighten secure the
right and left beacon mount bracket (1-70) with beacon
to the CSMU. Torque mounting bolts (1-75) in a cross
pattern as shown in Figure 713
to 75 in/lbs.
For those units with customer installed beacons, p/n’s: 2100-1020
98 and
2100-1020-99, remove the temporary label which covers the standard identity
Perform a return-to-service test on the recorder in accordance with Section 100
of this CMM.
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