(26) [SCF]
Set the comparison setting.
SCFa, b, c, d, e, xxxxxx<CR>
a, b, c, d, e, xxxxx
Hysteresis width: 0 to 9999 (count)
Including a decimal point.
Comparator output logic
0: Negative logic
1: Positive logic
Using comparator LL
0: Use
1: Not use
Using comparator LO
0: Use
1: Not use
Using comparator HI
0: Use
1: Not use
Using comparator HH
0: Use
1: Not use
Return value format:
ok<CR><LF> (The measuring condition selecting signal is command.)
Description and others
Corresponding to the [/M] command.
Reading command
Return value
a, b, c, d, e, xxxxx
Hysteresis width: 0 to 9999 (count)
Including a decimal point.
Comparator output logic
0: Negative logic
1: Positive logic
Using comparator LL
0: Use
1: Not use
Using comparator LO
0: Use
1: Not use
Using comparator HI
0: Use
1: Not use
Using comparator HH
0: Use
1: Not use
(27) [SCV]
Set the compared value.
SCVa, ±xxxxxx<CR>
a, ±xxxxxx
Compared value: -99999 to 99999 (count)
Indicated value with a decimal point. If the indicated value has no
decimal point, it is filled with ‘0s’ from the head.
Comparator selection
0: HH
1: HI
2: LO
3: LL
Return value format:
Description and others
Corresponding to the [/M] command.
Reading command
PRR051, PRR052, PRR053, PRR054
Return value
a, ±xxxxxx<CR><LF>
Compared value
Comparator selection