Kyosho Caliber 30 Instruction Manual Download Page 1






No. 21135/21137


3 ~ 4
5 ~ 6

7 ~ 18


19 ~ 29


31 ~ 35
36 ~ 37





This radio control model is not a toy.




This is a kind of machine including a rotor which rotates with

high speed and has a possibility to be dangerous. You are

responsible for this model's assembly, safe operation (place

to fly, frequency) check and adjustment of the model.


Assemble this kit only in places out of children's reach!


Take enough safety precaution before and after operation.

After every flight, inspect screws and nuts for looseness, and

parts for wear. Any damaged parts should be immediately

replaced, repaired or adjusted for safe operation.


Use only Kyosho genuine parts for replacement.

Failing to do so will result in accidents or malfunction of the

model. Kyosho do not take responsibilities for the accidents

and crashes if using the parts which are not Kyosho genuine



Always keep this instruction manual ready at hand for quick

reference, even after completing the assembly.























For Advanced Flyers




Before beginning assembly, please read these instructions thoroughly.


Summary of Contents for Caliber 30

Page 1: ...laces out of children s reach ٨Take enough safety precaution before and after operation After every flight inspect screws and nuts for looseness and parts for wear Any damaged parts should be immediately replaced repaired or adjusted for safe operation ٨Use only Kyosho genuine parts for replacement Failing to do so will result in accidents or malfunction of the model Kyosho do not take responsibil...

Page 2: ...ࠢ ࡋع ࡅࠣ ࡊع Plug Heater 30 size engine for helicopters ٨Engines for R C models require glow fuel Never use gasoline petrol or kerosene both cannot be used Also be very careful when handling glow fuel as it is highly flammable and explosive ع Άᢱࡐࡦࡊ Fuel Pump model engine fuel ࠟ ࡦ Ἦᴤߪ ᱛ WARNING Gasoline or kerosene cannot be used ๔ ࠬع Starter ࠢ ࡠࠫࡀع Screw Locking Compound Screw Cement Threadlocker ࠬ ...

Page 3: ...CODE MODULATION 9 CHANNEL RECEIVER Futaba Radio ࡈ ࡃߩ႐ว JR Radio 4ߩ႐ว Gyro ࠫࡖࠗࡠ ࠫࡖࠗࡠ Gyro ߦ ߔࠆ ޕ Set to 75 4 8 ߦ ߔࠆ ޕ Set to REV 1 ߦ ߔࠆ ޕ Set to OFF 8 5ಾᦧ 8 5 5YKVEJ ࠫࡖࠗࡠᣇะ TQ KTGEVKQP ࠫࡖࠗࡠᗵᐲ TQ CKP THRO ࠬࡠ ࠨ ࡏ 6JTQVVNG 5GTXQ AILE ࠛ ࡠࡦࠨ ࡏ Aileron Servo ELEV ࠛ ࡌ ࠨ ࡏ NGXCVQT 5GTXQ RUDD ࠨ ࡏ Rudder Servo GEAR ࠡࡗ AUX 1 ࡇ ࠨ ࡏ Pitch Servo AUX 2 AUX 3 ฃାᯏࠬࠗ Receiver Switch ฃାᯏ Receiver ల㔚ญ Terminal to char...

Page 4: ...Transmitter Retract the antenna Transmitter 9 10 11 Connect servos to the receiver ٨START ٨FINISH ٨ ࡃ ࠬࠬࠗ 㧔ฦ ㅢ㧕 Reverse Switch ع 5ᤨߩࡊࡠࡐೋᦼ ቯ qࠬࡢ ࠪࡘࡕ 㧔 ቯฬߣหߓࡕ ߦߔࠆ ޕ 㧕 ع 5ᤨߩࡊࡠࡐೋᦼ ቯ ٨ฦ ࡖࡦࡀ ߩേ ᣇะߣേ ࡊࡠࡐฬ ቯ㗄 㨟 㨟 ࠪ 595 59 5 59 5 4 59 ψ59 5 6 2 ٨ฦ ࡖࡦࡀ ߩേ ᣇะߣേ ࡦࡠ ࠛޔ Aileron ࡌ ࠛޔ Elevator ࡠࠬޔ Throttle ޔ Rudder ࡇޔ Pitch ࡠࠬޔ Throttle ࡦࡠ ࠛޔ Aileron ࡌ ࠛޔ Elevator ޔ Rudder ࡇޔ Pitch ࠨ ࡏߩ ࡘ ᢛߩᚻ㗅 ࠛ ࡠࡦ AILE ࠛ ࡌ ELEV ...

Page 5: way ේኸ True to scale diagram ຠ Must be purchased separately ᱛ ޕ Tempororarily tighten OOߩⓣࠍ ߌࠆ㧔 㧕 ޕ Drill holes with the specified diameter here 2mm ᵈᗧߒߡ ߡࠆᚲ ޕ Pay close attention here ߔࠆⴼ ޕ Part bags used ࠍࠞ ߔࠆ ޕ Cut off shaded portion 2mm ާ Exampleި ภߩ㗅ߦ ߡࠆ ޕ Assemble in the specified order 9 6CKN HH 2 2 2 6 x 10mm ࠠࡖ ࡊࡆࠬ Cap Screw 1 3 x 3mm ࡆࠬ Set Screw 2 2 6mm ࠗࡠࡦ 3 x 3mm ࡠ ࠕ ࡦࡉ Tail Rotor ...

Page 6: ...ߊߛߐ ޕ This kit contains screws and hardware in different metric sizes and shapes Before using them check the screws on the true to scale diagrams on the left side in each assembly step Some screws are extras 6 ٨ࡆࠬߩ 㘃 SCREWS ࡆࠬ Screw ࠠࡖ ࡊࡆࠬ Cap Screw TPࡆࠬ Self tapping TP Screw TPࠨ ࡆࠬ TP F H Screw ࡆࠬ Set Screw ٨ዊ ㇱຠߩࠨࠗ OTHER HARDWARE 3x12mm ࡆࠬ Screw 3mm 12mm ࠨ ࡆࠬ Flat Head F H Screw 3mm ࡢ ࠪࡖ Washer ...

Page 7: ... right position of the belt and engine Unscrew temporarily Must be purchased separately ຠ ޕ 4 This instruction is for both Pre Assembled without Engine 21135 and Pre Assembled with Engine 21136 version Please follow right step as follows No 21135 1 23 No 21136 5 23 ࠠࡖ ࡊࡆࠬ ࠢࡠࠬࡔࡦࡃ ࠛࡦࠫࡦ ࠛࡦࠫࡦࡑ ࡦ ࠛࡦࠫࡦ ࡌࠕ ࡦࠣ ࡀࠫࡠ ࠢ ࠍႣࠆ ޕ ࠛࡦࠫࡦ ࡇࠬ ࡦࡠ ࠢ ㅒࡀࠫ ࡢ ࠪࡖ ߪਇⷐ ᱜᏱᤨߩࠛࡦࠫࡦߣࡌ ߩ ᣤᄖߔ ޕ ࡌ ภߩ㗅ߦ ߡࠆ ޕ ⷺ ࡦ 㧔6mm㧕 ࠍࠛࡦࠫࡦߦขࠅઃߌࠆ㓙 ޔ ࠍ ...

Page 8: ... Muffler Silicone Tube 4 2 3 x 28mm Screw Apply threadlocker screw cement 890 3x14mm 903 901 3x28mm 3x28mm 3x14mm 3x6mm 3x6mm 635 Silicone Tube 100mm 635 Silicone Tube 100mm ࠠࡖ ࡊࡆࠬ ࠛࡦࠫࡦ ࡆࠬ ࡑࡈ ࠪ ࠦࡦ ࡘ ࡉ ࡆࠬ ࡀࠫࡠ ࠢ ࠍႣࠆ ޕ ࠪ ࠦࡦ ࡘ ࡉ 㧔100mm㧕 ࠪ ࠦࡦ ࡘ ࡉ 㧔100mm㧕 ...

Page 9: ...crew 4 3mm Nut Do not fold belt 821A 821A 821A 821A 821A 3x28mm 3x28mm 3mm 3mm 3mm 3x15mm 3mm Ensure smooth non binding movement when assembling CAUTION Note the direction for twisting ᵈᗧ Apply threadlocker screw cement Pull Tail Pipe 930 ࡠ ࡄࠗࡊ ࠠࡖ ࡊࡆࠬ ࠗࡠࡦ ࡆࠬ ࡌ ࠍ ࠄߥ ࠃ߁ߦᵈᗧ ޕ นേߔࠆࠃ߁ߦ ߡࠆ ޕ シߊേߊ ߦ ᢛߔࠆ ޕ ะ߈ߦᵈᗧ ޕ ࡄࠗࡊࠍシߊᒁߊ ࡌ ߩߨߓࠆᣇะߦᵈᗧ ࡀࠫࡠ ࠢ ࠍႣࠆ ޕ ...

Page 10: ...ately Double sided Tape 20 30mm 975 Antenna Pipe Antenna Double sided Tape Receiver Receiver Refer Instruction Manual included radio set to prevent vibration Gyro Gyro Gyro Amp Switch Switch Switch Battery Battery Assemble left and right sides the same way ᵈᗧߒߡ ߡࠆᚲ ޕ Pay close attention here ࠗࡠࡦ ࡆࠬ ࡆࠬ ࡆࠬ ࠫࡖࠗࡠ ฃାᯏ ࡃ ࠬࠗ ߩขઃ ຠ ޕ ਔ㕙 ࡊ ࠕࡦ ࡄࠗࡊ ࠕࡦ ਔ㕙 ࡊ ฃାᯏ ฃାᯏ ࡊࡠࡐߩ ᦠࠍෳ ߦᝄേኻ ࠍⴕ߁ ޕ ࠫࡖࠗࡠ ࠫࡖࠗࡠ ࠫࡖࠗࡠࠕࡦࡊ ࠬࠗ ࠬࠗ ...

Page 11: ...929 929 929 885 885 954 931 3x10mm 2 6x10mm 2x8mm 2 6x10mm 2 6mm 2 6mm 3x10mm 3mm 3mm Tentatively tighten Rudder Control Servo Must be purchased separately Choose by which servo you use for smooth linkage Top View Top View Tail Pipe Tail Pipe Servo Horn 10 14mm Apply threadlocker screw cement approx 5mm Servo Horn a b b ࠨ ࡏ ࠨ ࡏ ࡦࠤ ࠫࠟࠗ ࡆࠬ TPࡆࠬ ࡢ ࠪࡖ ࡦࠤ ࠫࡏ TPࡆࠬ TPࡆࠬ ࠨ ࡏߦวࠊߖߡขઃ ࠍᄌ߃ࠆ ޕ 㐳 ႐ว ႐ว ߩ ቯ ᱛ ޕ ...

Page 12: ...x10mm 2 6x10mm Tighten 2x8 TP screws of Rod guide in the directed position Top View Neutral Throttle Control Servo 2 x 8mm Screw 1 Linkage Ball 954 1 2mm Nut Cut off shaded portion Must be purchased separately 10 11mm 1 90 Neutral ࠨ ࡏ ࡦࠤ ࠫࠟࠗ ࠬࡠ ࠨ ࡏ TPࡆࠬ ࡢ ࠪࡖ ࠍ2x8mmTPࡆࠬࠍ ㄟߺ ቯߔࠆ ޕ 933 ࡘ ߆ࠄ ߚ ࠬࡠ ࠨ ࡏ ࡆࠬ ࡦࠤ ࠫࡏ ࠍࠞ ߔࠆ ޕ ຠ ޕ ࡘ 929 ߎߩḴߦ ࠍㅢߔ ޕ 929 must be on the groove ...

Page 13: ...servo operation range of a transmitter according to the range of operation of a carburetor 957 954 2x8mm 52mm 2mm 957 Fixed Rod 52mm Move all sticks neutral center position When throttle curve 50 10 11mm ࡆࠬ ࡦࠤ ࠫࡏ ࠬࡠ ࠨ ࡏ ࠛࡦࠫࡦࠬࡠ ߩ േ ߦวࠊߖߡ ࡠࠬޔ ࠨ ࡏߩ േ ࠍࡊࡠࡐ ߢ ᢛߔࠆ ޕ ࡈࠖࠢࠬ ࡠ 㧔52mm㧕 ࡊࡠࡐࠬ ࠖ ࠢਛ ߩᤨ 㧔ࠬࡠ ࠞ ࡉ50 ᤨ㧕 ...

Page 14: ...ral center position When pitch curve 50 Parallel For EMS Move to P15 for MMS approx 10 11mm 2 x 8mm TP Screw 5 2 6 x 10mm TP Screw 5 Linkage Ball 954 2 3 x 14mm Screw 4 714 3x7x3mm Ball Bearing 914 3x5x4mm Collar 2 3x6x0 5mm Washer 2 18 15 960 960 960 959 959 956 72mm 128mm Fixed Rod 72mm Fixed Rod 72mm Fixed Rod 128mm Fixed Rod 128mm Fixed Rod 128mm x3 Fixed Rod 32mm Fixed Rod 32mm 32mm ࡈࠖࠢࠬ ࡠ 㧔3...

Page 15: ...54 2x8mm 2mm 954 2x8mm 2mm 954 954 2x8mm 2x8mm 2mm 2mm Pitch Servo Elevator Control Servo Aileron Servo approx 10 11mm 2 x 8mm TP Screw 5 2 6 x 10mm TP Screw 5 Linkage Ball 954 2 3 x 14mm Screw 8 714 3x7x3mm Ball Bearing 914 3x5x4mm Collar 2 3x6x0 5mm Washer 2 18 x2 Assemble as many times as specified x2 x1 Move all sticks neutral center position When pitch curve 50 Parallel Aileron Servo Elevator...

Page 16: ... the experienced flyer fly with this mode adjust Aileron and Elevator EXP to sensitive and 70 D R Adjust the throttle and pitch stick movement of transmitter so that the tail bar of swash plate and marking of radius arm may suit each point a 2 2 1 Setting of the mixing lever Training mode with safety bar Training mode with safety bar High Hovering Low approx 10 Hovering Pitch approx 6 Lo Pitch app...

Page 17: ...y for the opposite side 17 18 16 15 23 24 5 6 9 10 11 12 7 8 13 14 26 25 21 22 1 2 3 4 19 20 15 16 Top View Cut off shaded portion Cut away only inside Position of Switch holes 100mm 25mm 15mm 15mm Assemble left and right sides the same way 898 ࠞ ࡏ ࠖ ߩ ߦ ߆ࠄ㗅ߦ ࠞ ࠍߪࠆ ޕ 1 ࠞ ࠦߩਛߪ ኻ ߩ ࠞ ࡦࡃ ߢߔ ޕ ߆ࠄ ߚ ࠍࠞ ߔࠆ ޕ ⵣ㕙ࠍࠞ ߔࠆ ޕ ࠬࠗ ߩⓣ ޕ Ꮐฝหߓࠃ߁ߦ ߡࠆ ޕ ...

Page 18: ...l the time Main Rotor Grip 4mm Tracking Tape Decal 2 20 Body Shell 951 Grommet 4 ࡏ ࠖ ࠣࡠࡔ 949 948 948 951 951 961 951 951 951 950 961 949 Grommet Body Shell ࠣࡠࡔ ࡏ ࠖ 4 3 x 15mm Cap Screw 3 x 15mm No 21137 No 21135 ࠠࡖ ࡊࡆࠬ 4 961 Body Mount Washer ࡏ ࠖ ࡑ ࡦ ࡢ ࠪࡖ 951 950 961 Body Shell Grommet ࠣࡠࡔ ࡏ ࠖ 3 x 15mm No 21137 No 21135 ࠣࡏ ࠗࡠࡦ ࡔࠗࡦࡠ シߊേߊࠃ߁ߦ ᢛߔࠆ ޕ ࠠࡦࠣ ࡊߩ ࠆᣇߦ ࠞ ࠍ ࠆ ޕ 㧔ࡈ ࠗ ࠦࡦ ࠖࠪ ࡦ ᜬߩὑ ޔ ࡔࠗࡦࡠ ࠍᲤ หߓࠣ ࡊߦ...

Page 19: ...m the rotor for injury prevention WARNING Do NOT operate the helicopter in the following places and situations Non observance may lead to accidents ᰴߩࠃ߁ߥᤨ ޔ ႐ᚲߢߪ㘧ⴕߐߖߥ ޕ ᕁࠊߧ ߩේ ߦߥࠅ ߔ ޕ ๔ WARNING for preventing accidents and personal injury be sure to observe the following ࠤࠟ ߩෂ㒾㒐ᱛߩߚ ޔ ᰴߩߎߣࠍᔅߕ߅ ࠅߊߛߐ ޕ ๔ Keep in mind that people around you may also operate a radio control model NEVER share the same f...

Page 20: ...ove the throttle control stick only slowly from low to high ٨ή ᠲ ࡋ ࠦࡊ ߇ೋ ߡߣ ߁ᣇߪ ޔ ᯏ ߩ ᢛ ࠍ 㛎 ߩࠕ ࡃࠗࠬࠍฃߌߥ߇ࠄ ታߦ ߡߡߊߛߐ ޕ ਛㅜඨ ߥ ߇ࠅߩᯏ ࠍ㘧ⴕߐߖࠆߩߪ ޔ ᄢᄌෂ㒾ߢߔ ޕ Novice R C helicopter pilots should always seek advice from experienced pilots for hints in assembly and pre flight adjust ments Note that a badly assembled or insufficiently adjusted helicopter is a safety hazard ٨ή ᠲ ࡋ ࠦࡊ ߇ೋ ߡߣ ߁ᣇߦߪ ޔ න 㘧ⴕߪߢ߈ ߖࠎߩߢ ޔ ᔅ...

Page 21: ... manual 4 ࡊࡠࡐߩࠬࠗ ࠍ ࠇࠆ ޕ Radio Activation ࠬࡠ ࠬ ࠖ ࠢߪ ߪࡓ ࡠࠬޔߒߦ ࡠޔ ਛᄩߦ ߔࠆ ޕ Pull down the engine control stick and center the engine control trim 5 1 2 ࠬࠗ ࠍ10 Switch on 1 ࠬ ࠖ ࠢࠍਅߦ Pull down the en gine control stick 2 ࡓࠍਛ ߦ Center the trim 3 㘧ⴕ೨ߩ ࠚ ࠢ Checklist before flying With the main rotor pitch becomes smaller ߢࡇ ߇ዊߐߊߥࠆ ޕ ߢࡇ ߇ᄢ߈ߊߥࠆ ޕ With the main rotor pitch becomes bigger With the swashplate ti...

Page 22: ...e control stick Look at the blades directly from the side ᨎߩࡔࠗࡦࡠ ߇ ޔ If both main rotor blades look like in ߩࠃ߁ߦ ᨎߦ ߃ࠇ 1 ޕ both blades travel in the same plane no further adjusting is needed ߩࠃ߁ߦ ᨎߦ ߃ࠆᤨߪ ޔ ਅ ߩ ᢛࠍ߅ߎߥ߁ ޕ both blades track separately further adjusting is needed 445 㧔 ࡦࠣ ࡈ ࠖࡃ ࡕ 㧕 ߩ႐ว ޔ ࠞ ࠍ ߞߚࡠ ࠍၮḰߦߒߡ ߁ ޔ ᣇߩࡠ ߇ ޔ For RRS take the blade with the tracking tape as a base ਅߦ ߃ࠆᤨߪ ࠍ ࡦࠛ ࡏߩ ࡠ...

Page 23: ... make things a lot easier ᯏ ߪ ޔ 㘑ߦ ߞߔߋะߌࠆߎߣ ޕ Direct the helicopter into the wind ㇱߪ ߕߦ ޔ ᯏ㚂ࠍ ࠆߎߣ ޕ Do not watch the tail watch the nose of the helicopter ೨ ᆫ ߢ ߔࠆ ޕ ᮮ㘑 ޔ ㅊ 㘑ߪ ޔ ᠲ ߇㔍ߒߊߥࠅ ߔ ޕ With lateral and tail winds operation becomes difficult ᓟࠈ߆ࠄ ߔࠆߣ ߇ࡓ ࡉ ޔ ࡠࡦࠗࡔޔ ߒ ߔߊߥࠅ ߔ ޕ Nose in when landing When landing the helicopter should touch ground with the nose first If touching ground with the tai...

Page 24: ...can proceed to the hover at higher altitude You must constantly anticipate into which direction the helicopter may drift and move the control sticks accordingly ٨ ࡎࡃ ࡦࠣߐߖࠆߎߣ߇ߢ߈ߚࠄ ޔ ᰴߦ ޔ ਅ ߩ ࠍߒߡߊߛ ߐ ޕ ⓨߢ㘧ⴕߐߖࠆᤨߦᔅⷐߥ ߢߔ ޕ Once you have mastered the hover proceed to the following exer cises proving indispensable for operating a helicopter at higher altitude ٨ࡔࠗࡦࡠ ߇ ォߒ ߔߩߢ ޔ ᢛ 㘧ⴕߪ ࠅߦੱ߇ ߥ ደᄖߢ߅ߎߥߞߡߊߛߐ ޕ W...

Page 25: ...ޔ 㜞ᐲࠍ ቯߦ ߟࠃ߁ߦߔࠆ ޕ Use the throttle control stick to keep the helicopter at a constant altitude which is likely to change according to the wind and its direction ٨ 㒽ߪ ޔ ᯏ ࠍ㘑ߦ ߞߔߋะߌߡ߅ߎߥ ߔ ޕ Land the helicopter into the wind ٨ ࠝ ࡠ ࠪ ࡦ 㒽ߣߪ ޔ ⓨߢࠛࡦࠫࡦ߇ᱛ ߞߡ ߒ ߞߡ ޔ ᯏ ߩ ࠍᦨዊ㒢ߦ߅ߐ߃ࠄࠇࠆ 㒽ᣇᴺߢߔ ޕ Autorotation is a way of safe landing even with engine failure ٨ࡔࠗࡦࡠ ߇ ォߒ ߔߩߢ ޔ ᢛ 㘧ⴕߪ ࠅߦੱ߇ ߥ ደᄖߢ߅ߎߥߞߡߊߛߐ ޕ WARNING Alwa...

Page 26: ... are securely tightened and all parts are in best condition Damaged parts should be immediately replaced by new ones and loose screws retightened Failing to do so will inevitably result in accidents such as crashs ๔ ٨ᔅߕ੩ ᱜㇱຠߣ ߒߡߊߛߐ ޕ WARNING Please use only genuine Kyosho brand parts ๔ ๔ ٨ࡔࠗࡦࡠ ߢ ࡉ ࡓࠍߚߚ ߡߒ ߞߚࠅ ޔ ߒߡߒ ߞߚ႐วߪ ޔ ᯏ ߩฦㇱߦᄢ߈ߥജ ߇߆߆ߞߡ ߔߩߢ ޔ లಽߥὐᬌᢛ ࠍ߅ߎߥߞߡߊߛߐ ޕ WARNING A thorough going check is...

Page 27: ...ߦߔࠆ ޕ Adjust the radius block phase to make stabilizer bar in line with the balls of swash inner and outer balls 4x4mm ࠬ ࠗ ࡉࡠ ࠢߩ ቯ The position which fixes the slide block 1 ߩ ᢛ Phase Adjustment 2 ࠬ ࡆ ࠗࠩ ࡉ ߩ ቯ Fix the stabilizer blade 3 4x4mm Parallel 4x4mm ᐔవ 4x4mm Parallel 4x4mm ᐔవ Apply threadlocker screw cement ࡀࠫࡠ ࠢ ࠍႣࠆ ޕ ...

Page 28: ...ߩᄢ߈ߐߦᵈᗧ ޕ Note the different hole sizes 0Q ࠫ ࠗࡦ ࠣ ࠬࠍᔅߕ ߔࠆ ޕ Be certain to apply 96508 ball diff grease ㇱຠߩ 㧔 㧕Parts Replacement 2 ࡑࠬ ࠬ ࡄ ࠍ ߍߡ ࡆࠬࠍ ࠆ ޕ Tighten the screw of mast stopper raising mast stopper upwards while pressing down main rotor head by hand downward ࡑࠬ ࠬ ࡄ Mast Stopper ਅߍࠆ ߍࠆ ೞශ߇ ࠆ ߁߇ਅ Mark should be this way down ᔅߕࡏ ࡈࠣ ࠬ 㧔No 96506㧕ࠍ ޕ ߘߩઁߩࠣ ࠬߪ ኻ ᱛ ޕ Use Only 96506 Ball Dif Grease...

Page 29: ...e غ Raise throttle control stick a little Engine will not start Engine starter will not spin Weak starter battery Too much fuel inside engine It is overchoked غ Recharge غ Remove plug Using starter eject excess fuel Weak plug heater battery Defect plug Fuel line is obstruct Needle not unscrewed Starter spins in opposite direction غ Recharge or replace غ Replace غ Clean fuel line غ Adjust as per en...

Page 30: ...aring ٤ 8 872 ࠞ 㧔6x10x1 0㧕 Collar 6x10x1 0㧕 ٨ 2 885 ࡏ ࠛࡦ M 㧔4 8Ǿ㧕 Ball End 4 8 ٤ 4 873 ࡔࠗࡦࡠ 㧔L 550㧕 Main Blade L 550㧕 ٨ 2 898 ࠠࡖ ࡃ 30ࡏ ࠖ Body CALIBER 30 ٤ 1 874 ࠛࡦ A Root Cover A ٨ 2 899 ࠞ 㧔ࡏ ࠖ ࠠࡖ ࡃ 30㧕 Decal Body CALIBER 30 ٤ 1 875 ࠛࡦ B Root Cover B ٨ 2 900 ࠞ 㧔ࠠࡖࡁࡇ ࠠࡖ ࡃ 30㧕 Decal Canopy CALIBER 30 ٤ 1 876 ࠪ ࡦࡄ Seesaw Damper ٨ 2 914 ࠞ 㧔3x5x4㧕 Collar 3x5x4 ٤ 2 878 ࠬ ࡆ ࠗࠩ ࡃ Stabilizer Bar ٨ 1 919 ࠨ ...

Page 31: ...92 CA3011A CA3011A CA3011A 01 CA3011A 01 CA3041 CA3073 875 713 713 713 871 805 818 818 805 871 885 885 955 954 964 884 879 883A 878 881 880 954 714 869 954 954 954 955 885 885 872 912 915 714 914 956 957 913 714 907 909A 963 910 908 954 868 867 713 872 876 876 872 870 714 714 913 915 916 916 914 714 884 879 878 882 880 881 883A 874 875 882 874 873 873 4x4mm 2x8mmTP 3x6mm 2x8mmTP 4x10mm 4x10mm M4 2...

Page 32: ...3 714 714 948 110 914 M3 3x6mm E4 E4 E4 E4 3x10mm 3x10mm 3x10mm 3x10mm M3 M3 M3 3x28mm 3x28mm 3x10mm 3x10mm 3x10mm 3x6mm 3x10mm 3x10mm CA3070 CA3076 Z8017 96894 CA3071 96894 96996 CA3046 Z8017 CA3026 96891 BS16 BS16 CA3069 Z8017 CA3039 CA3070 CA3076 CA3069 CA3069 CA3069 96891 CA3069 CA3046 CA3069 96996 CA3070 CA3076 CA3047 CA3070 CA3076 Z8017 Z8017 96894 CA3071 CA3046 96894 1790 CA3028 CA3028 01 C...

Page 33: ...2 710 952 886 887 889 3x14mm 2 6x8mm 3x14mm 3x14mm 3x28mm 3x6mm 3x6mm 3x20mm 3x14mm 3x10mm 3x10mm 4x4mm E7 M3 3x15mm 3x15mm 3x20mm CA3054 CA3021 CA3035 BS16 BS16 96694 CA3023 CA3022 CA3072 CA3020 CA3019 CA3024 CA3027 CA3069 CA3034 CA3017 CA3018 CA3016 96891 96891 CA3016 01 CA3015 CA3069 CA3027 CA3034 CA3034 01 CA3069 CA3014 ...

Page 34: ...959 885 958 885 918 917 714 714 920 921 969 968 950 3x8mm 3x22mm M3 3x8mm 3x10mm 3x10mm 2 6x10mmTP 3x10mm 3x22mm M3 M3 M3 4x4mm 4x4mm 4x4mm 4x4mm 2 6x10mmTP CA3070 CA3070 CA3076 CA3076 961 CA3076 96894 96894 96894 96894 CA3044 CA3045 CA3043 CA3043 CA3069 CA3069 CA3069 CA3074 CA3073 CA3043 CA3026 CA3025 CA3043 CA3074 CA3030 CA3030 CA3029 CA3029 CA3030 CA3030 CA3030 CA3030 ...

Page 35: 3x15mm 3x15mm 3x15mm 2x8mmTP 3x6mm 3x6mm 3x6mm 2x8mmTP 2x8mmTP 2x8mmTP 2 6x10mmTP 3x10mm 3x10mm 3x10mm 3x10mm 3x14mm 3x14mm 2x8mm 2x8mm 2x8mm 2x8mm M3 3x14mm 3x10mm M3 M3 3x10mm 4x4mm 2 6x10mmTP M3 E7 M3 3x6mm CA3050 CA3049 CA3049 CA3049 CA3059A CA3060A 96996 CA3055 CA3051 CA3060A CA3057A CA3061 96996 CA3054 CA3049 CA3053 CA3052 CA3052 CA3048 CA3052 CA3049 CA3013 CA3058A CA3063 96894 CA3068 Z80...

Page 36: ... x 1 907 908 x 1 ڎ FOR JAPANESE MARKET ONLY ຠ No ࡄ ฬ Part Names ౝኈ 㧔ࠠ No ߣ ᢙ㧕 Quantity ڎ ㅍ ᚻᢙᢱ ڎ ቯଔ 910 x 1 400 1000 500 700 500 400 1500 600 600 1000 500 900 900 500 1400 600 300 500 500 400 400 400 300 500 700 400 400 500 500 800 800 500 400 800 250 250 600 800 CA3038 CA3039 CA3040 CA3041 CA3042 CA3043 CA3044 CA3045 CA3046 CA3047 CA3048 CA3049 CA3050 CA3051 CA3052 CA3053 CA3054 CA3055 CA3056A CA...

Page 37: ...bsorption Sheet HP6mm ⷺ ࠚࠗࠪࡖࡈ HP6mm Hexagon Reversible Shaft ࡉ ࠬ Blitz Starter ࡉ 㧙 ࡃ ࡦࠨ Blade Balancer Άᢱࡈࠖ 㧔M㧕 Fuel Filter M ࠪ ࡃ Lead Acid Battery ࠪ ࡃ ࡖ㧙ࠫࡖ Sealed Battery Charger ࠬࡍࠪࡖ ࡄ 㧙ࡑ Special Taper Reamer ࠕ ࡒ BOX Aluminium Field Box ࠕ ࡒࡠ 㧙ࠤ ࠬ Aluminium Rotor Case ࠪࡦࠢࡠࡔ Synchro Meter ࠨࠗ 5x45x145mm Size 5x45x145mm ࡠ ࡃ ࡦࠬขࠅᦨㆡ To Balance Rotors ࡔࠗࡦࡠ Aluminum Rotor Case ࡔࠗࡦࡠ ォ Rev meter for Main ...

Page 38: ...6 3x8 3x10 3x12 3x14 3x16 3x18 3x20 4x8 4x10 4x15 4x20 3x22 3x24 3x26 3x28 3x30 3x32 3x34 3x35 1124 1125 1126 1127 1128 1129 1130 1131 2x8 2x10 2x12 2x14 2 6x8 2 6x10 2 6x12 2 6x14 3x8 3x10 3x12 3x14 3x15 3x16 3x18 3x20 3x25 3x30 3x35 3x40 4x10 4x15 4x20 4x25 4x28 4x30 4x35 4x40 4x45 4 each 1196 2 6x18 Bind Screw Flat Head Screw Cap Screw ࡌࡆࠬ Round Head Screw Nut ࡈ ࡦࠫઃ ࠗࡠࡦ ࡃࠗࡦ ࡆࠬ ࠨ ࡆࠬ ࠠࡖ ࡊࡆࠬ ٨200 ...
