Kyocera KI-G100 GSM Handset -
Preliminary Version -
41 Barring
This service must be included in your subscription package to be accessible.
Your Service Provider will then give you a Barring Password to set and clear
1 Int. calls
to inhibit outgoing international calls
2 Except home
to inhibit outgoing calls except those to your home
3 Incoming
to inhibit all incoming calls or only incoming calls when
you are roaming (receiving service other than from your
home network)
4 Outgoing
to inhibit all outgoing calls
5 Cancel all
to clear all barrings at the same time
6 Password
to modify your Barring Password
Eventually, select “All Calls” or “If Abroad” for the option “3 Incoming” and
confirm again
Enter your Barring Password and confirm
42 Divert
You can choose to divert your incoming calls to another telephone anywhere (for
example to your office or a friend’s house) or to your Voicemail, so that you are
not disturbed, e.g. in a meeting or a restaurant. You can decide whether you
want to divert all calls or those if you are engaged, if you don’t wish to answer
and/or are unreachable.
1 All Calls
to divert all incoming calls
2 When busy
to divert incoming calls while you are engaged on a call
3 No answer
to divert incoming calls if you don’t answer within a
certain time that you can set between 5 and 30 seconds
4 Not found
to divert incoming calls if your phone is switched off or is
out of coverage
5 Cancel all
to clear all diversions at the same time