© 2020 Kymeta Corporation. All rights reserved.
08 December 2020
700-00121-000 revD Kymeta u8 products installation and user guide
Appendix B. Kymeta u8 ODU cabling diagram
Seven field replaceable external cables reside under the u8 ODU shroud. The power, Ethernet, RX, and TX jumper cables
move connection interfaces outside the shroud to improve installation experience.
*The power main cable (W38A) is not replaceable.
Cable name and product code
Cable description
Power jumper cable (W38C)
This cable can be connected to the u8 vehicle power kit (U8ACC-00001-0). If
you want to use the AC-to-DC power kit (U8ACC-00002-0), replace the
power jumper cable with the cable provided with the kit.
Ethernet jumper cable (W57)
This cable connects the communication module to port 1 on the modem. The
Ethernet port is for a standard 10/100/1000 network and is the primary
monitor and control (M&C) port. It supports multiple protocols for a web
server (GUI), ACU-Modem Interface (OpenAMIP), and an M2M (machine-to-
machine) RESTful API. Installation engineers can make multiple connections
with an external switch.