Chapter 8 - UMS Configuration
AMA 310/UMS V21.0
System Plan
For supporting the input of the varied frequencies in the return path range the instrument provides a
graphic representation of the system where all frequencies involved in the system are shown with
their bandwidths. This graphics always appears when a frequency in the system is changed or
added (see chapter 8.1.5 - Profiles). An asterisk before the frequency type shows which carrier
type of the profile is currently processed (see next figure). In case a frequency is put in which leads
to a collision in the system, an error message will appear. If a faulty setting is not corrected, the
UMS mode cannot be started as this might possibly disturb the cable modem operation.
A system plan can be exported as bitmap file. If the
key is pressed when the system plan is
shown, an input window will appear where the file name and the storage location can be put in. The
following figure shows a print-out of a system plan as an example.
Figure 8-8 System plan profile 2 when configuring the BER measurement without errors