Chapter 8 - UMS Configuration
AMA 310/UMS V21.0
entering the frequency 0 a test carrier can be deleted from the system. Up to 24 DS channels can
be defined. Digital channels with 64- and 256-QAM with EuroDOCSIS, US-DOCSIS or DVB-C
modulation can be set. The symbol rates with DOCSIS are given by the standard, with DVB-C 6111
kSymb/s, 6875 kSymb/s and 6900 kSymb/s are possible.
Cluster Differentiation when using the RF Switch SW 024
If the optional cluster switch SW 024 is used together with the AMA 310/UMS distinct names for the
24 RF inputs of the switch can be assigned in the menu item
. These names will be
shown by the handhelds during measurements in the field as soon as a handheld has connected
exclusively with the headend, for example for a MER/BER measurement.
For each input it is also possible to set apart from the name which of the two
frequency profiles (see chapter 8.1.5 et seq.) applies to the input.
Export/Import of the UMS Settings
All UMS settings can be stored in a file and stored back again from the file or copied to another
headend device.
By selecting the menu item
an input window may be called up in which a file name can
be assigned and the storage medium (USB stick or FLASH disk) can be determined. The data are
stored in a *.UMS file as soon as the cursor is on the
option and the
key is
By selecting the menu item
the directory of all *.UMS files can be called up. By selecting
the desired file and the subsequent activation of the
key the UMS settings are transmitted
from the file to the headend unit.
Report / Protocol
The field instruments can generate an automated report according to the specifications of the
headend. For the report all measurements, which the measurement system is able to do, are
performed one after the other. This means: one MER/BER measurement on up to four test carriers
(see chapter - Bit Error Rate Measurement (BER)), a sweep measurement for exact
frequency response analysis of the overall return path frequency range, as well as the forward path
measurement mentioned in "Chapter 8.1.6 - Forward Path Measurement".
The idea in the overall report subject is that the user does not have to know anything about the
frequencies to be transmitted or received, the QAM orders, symbol rates etc. as well as about
modem channels to be protected. Everything will be configured once in the headend on the AMA
310/UMS and all field technicians generate automatically the same and thus comparable report for
later evaluation and filing.
In the field instrument the report is written in the form of a *.XML-File on a USB stick. The file name
and up to five free text fields are the only parameters, which can and/or must be influenced by the
field technician.
For this purpose a maximum of five categories of a maximum of 25 characters are to be configured
in the headend by the menu item
on two menu pages which the field
technician then has to fill with data in situ. In the following example four of the five categories are
used, the fifth is not available as here no character string has been entered.
Apart from the name for the free text category it can also be determined in the headend whether
the field technician has only letters ("A-Z"), only numeric characters ("0..9") or a combination of
both available for filling the text fields.