140 Pacific Drive Quakertown, PA 18951
(P) 215-536-2200 / (P) 800-531-4252 / (F) 215-536-4309 / (F) 800-778-8869
Visit our website @ kwikgoal.com
2007, Rev. 2016 Kwik Goal Ltd.
Post (2)
(Part# UZ1017)
Crossbar (2)
(Part# UZ1019)
Base (2)
(Part# UZ1018)
NZ248 Rev. 12/13/2016
Net Attachment Strap (60)
(Part# 10B4301 Pack of 30)
This goal has been designed to be used for the game of soccer only. Goal posts must be anchored AT ALL TIMES
and shall be secured against overturning. Do not climb on the net or goal framework at any time! All fastenings must
be checked to insure they are fully tightened before and after each use of this product. Goal posts not in use must be
disassembled and properly stored in a safe, secure area (See included Guidelines for Moveable Soccer Goal Safety.).
Assembled goal posts should not be left unattended. Remove nets when goals are not in use. Do not use this
equipment during the threat of high winds. Goal posts should be checked for safety before and after each use. All
warning and safety labels included with this product must be visible at all times.
Any modifications to this or any Kwik Goal product will void any and all warranties.
1. Unpack all parts and check for damage that may have occurred during shipping. If damage has occurred,
notify trucking company immediately. Lay out all parts. Remove all cardboard and packaging immediately.
Wet or damp packaging may damage contents.
2. Read through entire instruction before beginning assembly and installation.
NOTE: Components may be packaged in one or more additional boxes.