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8.2 ReQUIReMentS fIbeR cableS
8.2.1 MUltI-Mode (StandaRd)
A Multi-Mode fiber cable should meet the following requirements:
• Maximum length should be 500 m. The ME1-F includes a fiber Multimode – SFP
Module which allows a transmission distance of up to 500 m.
• Dedicated fiber connection cable type Duplex Multimode 50/125μ (OM2), LC
8.2.2 SInGle-Mode (oPtIonal)
A fiber Single-Mode – SFP Module cable should meet the following requirements:
• Up to 20 km transmission distance.
• Requires dedicated fiber connection: cable type Duplex Singlemode with LC connector
A fiber Single-Mode – SFP Module BiDi cable should meet the following requirements:
• Up to 20 km transmission distance.
• Requires dedicated fiber connection: cable type Singlemode with LC connector
Wavelength (λ) of 850 nm in multi-mode or 1310 nm TX -1550 nm RX in single-mode
8. cable ReQUIReMentS
9 ReQUIReMentS netWoRK SWItcH
The entire switching network system requires its own dedicated network. For security reasons it
cannot be integrated into an existing company network.
The network switch must fulfil the following specifications:
1 Gigabit Switch, with true port to port transfer rates of 1 Gigabit/second
9. ReQUIReMentS netWoRK-
A list of kvm-tec tested and recommended switches can be found on our website at
- Switching System - Datasheet -recommended Switche
9.1 RecoMMended SWItcHeS