Program Mode
Selecting Programs
Each Category contains Programs of a single instrument type. (Appendix C on page C-1
has a list of Programs and Categories).
You can also press one of the instrument Category buttons, then turn the Alpha Wheel
clockwise or press the Next button to advance to the next Program in the Category. When
you reach the end of a Category, the Forte automatically advances to the beginning of the
next Category. This will also work in reverse if you turn the Alpha Wheel counter-clockwise
or press the Previous button. In this case, when you reach the beginning of a Category, the
Forte automatically advances to the end of the previous Category.
Keypad button
When the Keypad button is pressed and the LED is lit, the Category buttons no longer
function in selecting categories. Instead, the secondary function of the Category buttons
takes over and the numbers on the category buttons are now in effect.