Global Mode
Pressing the TOOLS soft button calls up a page that gives you access to four analytic and
diagnostic tools. Additionally, pressing the two center soft buttons will call up the TOOLS
page from any mode.
Press the “EXIT” button when finished.
Press the MIDI OUT or MIDI IN soft buttons to view the MIDI Scope page for the MIDI
Out or In ports, where you can monitor MIDI messages in real time. The MIDI OUT Scope
page allows you to view MIDI messages sent from the Forte, while the MIDI IN Scope page
allows you to view MIDI messages received by the Forte. The MIDI OUT Scope page is
useful for making sure controls are assigned as you want them, checking note velocities, and
checking controller values or other MIDI messages. The MIDI IN Scope page is useful for
checking MIDI messages sent to the Forte from external MIDI devices. Each MIDI Scope
page can store a history of 512 messages. Use the cursor Up and Down buttons to scroll
up through the list of messages. The most recently sent or received message will be labeled
number 1 at the bottom of the list.