Global Mode
CAUTION: It is possible to stop all MIDI transmission, in Multi Mode,
if the Destination parameter is set to LOCAL, and the other is set to
Change Multis
The Change Multis parameter determines the exact timing of Multi changes when you
select a different Multi, either by a normal data entry method or via MIDI program change
Choose AllKeysUp to indicate that you want Multi changes to take place only when you’ve
released all currently held notes.
Choose Immediate to indicate that you want such changes to happen immediately when you
select the Multi.
Bank Select
The Bank Mode parameter determines the controller number with which MIDI Bank change
messages are received.
For MIDI Bank change messages, various manufacturers have chosen different MIDI
controller numbers. Most have chosen Ctl 0, Ctl 32, or both. You can set this parameter to
any of the following three controller IDs:
Ctl 0
MIDI Bank change messages are sent with controller number 0.
Ctl 32
MIDI Bank change messages are sent with controller number 32.
Ctl 0 / 32
MIDI Bank change messages are sent with both controller numbers 0 and 32
The Program Change Mode (ProgChangeMode) parameter determines the format of
program change messages received by the Forte.