Multi Edit Mode
The Controller parameter allows you to assign any of the Forte’s physical controllers (sliders,
switches, mod and pitch wheels, foot switches and expression pedals) to control a program
specific parameter or MIDI controller number for the currently selected zone.
First, use the Channel /Zone buttons to the left of the display to select the desired zone that
you wish to assign a controller for. Next, on the CONTROLS page, use the cursor buttons
to select the “Controller” field, hold the Enter button on the alphanumeric pad and then
move any of the Forte’s physical controllers. This will select that controller and display its
available parameters. (You can also scroll through the list of controllers in the Control page
by selecting the Controller field with the cursor buttons and using the Alpha Wheel or the
Value buttons to scroll through the list.)
If a pedal is selected which has a pedal override enabled in Global mode, a message “Global
Pedal Override is enabled” will display when that pedal is viewed to remind you that the
Global mode pedal override settings are being used instead of the Multi mode pedal settings.
Sw. Pedal 1
Switch 1
Sw. Pedal 2
Switch 2
Sw. Pedal 3
Switch 3
Switch 4
Switch 5
Select a Switch controller from the list above; the Switch controller parameters are described
Switch Controllers have three modes: Off, MIDI CC, or Chord.
With a value of Off, the controller is disabled for this zone.
With a value of MIDI CC, the controller has the ability to transmit MIDI control messages.
Switch controls can also be set to Chord mode. In Chord mode, the switch can play a chord
containing up to 8 notes.