Pos : 20.31.1 /Ü berschriften/Ü berschriften 2/K-O/Ölstands kontroll e und Ölwec hs el am Mähhol m @ 0\mod_1197017549815_78.doc @ 15963
Oil level check and oil change on the cutter bar
Pos : 20.31.2 /BA/Sic herheit/Gefahrenhinweise/Mähwerke/Sc hnell rotier ende Messer teller /Mess ertr ommel n_1 @ 0\mod_1197017696736_78.doc @ 16001
Danger! - Rapidly rotating cutting discs/blade drums.
Effect: Danger to life or serious injuries.
Switch off the engine and remove the ignition key.
The cutting discs/blade drums continue to run!
Do not leave the driver’s cab until the cutting discs/blade drums have come to a complete
Pos : 20.31.3 /Ü berschriften/Ü berschriften 3/K-O/M ähholm ausric hten @ 0\mod_1197017956815_78.doc @ 16042
Aligning the Cutter Bar
Pos : 20.31.4 /BA/Wartung/Mähwerke/M ähhol m ausric hten Eas yC ut @ 3\mod_1204721803648_78.doc @ 72358
Fig. 19
Oil level check
Align the cutter bar using a spirit level (1).
Lay the spirit level on top of the cutting disc hub parallel to the direction of travel.
Lay the spirit level (1) on top of two mower discs.
Pos : 20.31.5 /BA/-----Seitenumbruc h------ @ 0\mod_1196175311226_0.doc @ 4165