Repairs, maintenance and settings by technicians
Checking/setting the upper needle
BiG Pack 1270
Original Operating Instructions 150000747_02_en
Checking/setting the upper needle
For „double knotter“ version
The upper needle is tensioned.
The twine pusher shaft is tensioned,
Simulating a big bale,
In order to tighten the tensioning arm (1), pull back the upper twine (3) in front of the twine
guide eye (2).
Trigger the tying process manually with machine at standstill,
Turn the flywheel manually in working direction until the upper needle (4) raises,
Turn the flywheel manually in the working direction until the knotter needle (5) nearly
touches the upper twine (3).
At this point in time, the upper twine (3) must be centred in front of the knotter needle
If the upper twine is not centred in front of the knotter needle:
Align the upper needle by using a mounting lever until the upper twine is centred in front of
the knotter needle.
If the upper twine is centred in front of the knotter needle:
Keep turning the flywheel manually in working direction until the knotter gearbox is in idle
The knotting process is finished. The upper twine moves slightly to the right while the
flywheel continues to rotate. This is structurally determined as the knotter needle guides the
upper twine into the blade lever.