Elster GmbH
Postfach 28 09, D-49018 Osnabrück
Strotheweg 1, D-49504 Lotte (Büren)
T +49 541 1214-0
F +49 541 1214-370
If you have any technical questions, please contact
your local branch office/agent. The addresses are
available on the Internet or from Elster GmbH.
We reserve the right to make technical modifications
in the interests of progress.
[email protected], www.kromschroeder.com
Declaration of Incorporation
according to 2006/42/EC, Annex II, No. 1B
The product ZIC is a partly completed machine pur-
suant to Article 2g and is designed exclusively for
installation in or assembly with another machine or
other equipment.
The following essential health and safety requirements
in accordance with Annex I of this Directive are ap-
plicable and have been fulfilled:
Annex I, Articles 1.1.3, 1.1.5, 1.3.2, 1.3.4, 1.5.2, 1.7.4
The relevant technical documentation has been com-
piled in accordance with part B of Annex VII and will
be sent to the relevant national authorities on request
as a digital file.
The following (harmonized) standards have been
– EN 746-2 (2010) – Industrial thermoprocessing
equipment; Safety requirements for combustion
and fuel handling systems
– EN ISO 12100 (2010) – Safety of machinery –
General principles for design – Risk assessment
and risk reduction (ISO 12100:2010)
The partly completed machine may only be commis-
sioned once it has been established that the machine
into which the product mentioned above is to be
incorporated complies with the provisions of the
Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC.
Elster GmbH
/ Declaration of Incorporation
nach 2006/42/EG, Anhang II, Nr. 1B
/ according to 2006/42/EC, Annex II No. 1B
Folgendes Produkt
/ The following product:
Brenner für Gas
Burner for gas
/ Type:
Anhang I, Artikel
/ Annex I, Article
1.1.3, 1.1.5, 1.3.2, 1.3.4, 1.5.2, 1.7.4
Folgende (harmonisierte) Normen wurden angewandt:
/ The following (harmonized) standards have been applied:
Lotte (Büren)
Sandra Runde
/ Date
Konstrukteurin / Designer
Sandra Runde ist bevollmächtigt, die speziellen technischen Unterlagen gemäß Anhang VII B zusammenzustellen.
Sandra Runde is authorized to compile the relevant technical documentation according to Annex VII B.
Die speziellen technischen Unterlagen gemäß Anhang VII B wurden erstellt und werden der zuständigen nationalen Behörde auf
Verlangen in elektronischer Form übermittelt.
The relevant technical documentation has been compiled in accordance with part B of Annex VII and will be sent to the relevant
national authorities on request as a digital file.
Die unvollständige Maschine darf erst dann in Betrieb genommen werden, wenn festgestellt wurde, dass die Maschine,
in der das oben bezeichnete Produkt eingebaut werden soll, den Bestimmungen der Richtlinie für Maschinen
(2006/42/EG) entspricht.
The partly completed machine may only be commissioned once it has been established that the machine into which
the product mentioned above should be incorporated complies with the provisions of the Machinery Directive
ist eine unvollständige Maschine nach Artikel 2g und ausschließlich zum Einbau in oder zum Zusammenbau mit einer anderen
Maschine oder Ausrüstung vorgesehen.
is a partly completed machine pursuant to Article 2g and is designed exclusively for installation in or assembly with another
machine or other equipment.
Folgende grundlegende Sicherheits- und Gesundheitsschutzanforderungen gemäß Anhang I dieser Richtlinie kommen zur
Anwendung und wurden eingehalten:
The following essential health and safety requirements in accordance with Annex I of this Directive are applicable and have
been fulfilled:
EN 746-2:2010 – Industrielle Thermoprozessanlagen; Sicherheitsanforderungen an Feuerungen und Brennstoffführungssysteme
– Industrial thermoprocessing equipment; Safety requirements for combustion and fuel handling systems
EN ISO 12100:2010 – Sicherheit von Maschinen – Allgemeine Gestaltungsleitsätze – Risikobeurteilung
und Risikominderung (ISO 12100:2010)
– Safety of machinery – General principles for design – Risk assessment
and risk reduction (ISO 12100:2010)
Elster GmbH
Postfach 28 09
D-49018 Osnabrück
Strotheweg 1
D-49504 Lotte (Büren)
Tel. +49 (0)541 12 14-0
Fax +49 (0)541 12 14-3 70
Approval for Russia
Certified by Gosstandart under Technical Regulations.
Approved by Rostekhnadzor (RTN).