Operating Instructions
OIC 12en Edition 08/2016
Cleaning the pipe system
Clean the complete pipe system with a low-viscosity flushing medium before commissioning in order to
protect the pump. If this is to be realized by flushing by means of the pump, an additional commissioning
filter has to be installed before the pump.
Mesh width of the commissioning filter:
0.02 mm
► Recommended rinsing duration with commissioning filter: 50 – 100 hours.
Filling sealing chambers
Depending on the application the sealing chambers are filled differently. The six accesses to the sealing
chambers are designed differently, for example as grease nipples, quench tank connection or screw
plug, for example, for venting. In the following guidelines the design variants are not taken into account.
The following variants are described:
Variant 1:
Sealing chamber A application-specific, B and C filled in factory with PTFE grease
Variant 2:
Sealing chamber A application-specific, C filled in factory with PTFE grease;
Quench liquid in sealing chamber B (filling on location via quench tank)
Variant 3:
Sealing chamber A application-specific, C filled in factory with PTFE grease;
Quench liquid in sealing chamber B (filling at the system via circulation line)
Be sure to observe the following instructions:
► The pump may only be commissioned by authorized qualified personnel.
► Wear protective equipment during all the work.
► When pumping liquids that harden through humidity flush the pump with dry air before every com-
Damage to equipment through additional pressure loss in the commissioning filter.
► Calculate the flow resistance and determine the remaining pump intake.
► Monitor the suction-side pressure.
► Check and clean the commissioning filter regularly.