Kosbo VFD Round Clock Assembly Instructions Download Page 1

Assembling VFD Round Clock recommendations 


It is quite easy to assemble this clock. Please have a look at circuit diagram and 
components layout pictures to see what and were components should be soldered in. 
Here is some recommendation, which I hope will help you to assemble your clock smoothly. 

Please note

 that this clock contains 2 SMD chips, which should be carefully aligned 

and soldered on the board. If you feel you can not solder SMD  components, please 
let us know and we will supply your kit with pre-soldered SMD chips. 


Assembling main uC PCB: 


  You are welcome to solder components in any order you would like to do, but below 

are my recommendations based on the experience I’ve got assembling this clock. 


  Firstly I solder all SMD components I have to.  At the current PCB release these are 

2  SMD component on the main board – PT6315 and PIC16F648A  ICs. Its size is 
quite small, so make sure you have experience soldering small SMD chips. If not, 
just let us know before we dispatch the kit to you.   
Just put first IC in the marked position on the board, align it so all its legs step on 
solder pads,  hold it by few fingers and sold one contact. Have a look if its position 
on the board is OK, then solder opposite raw contact. Again , just check if all IC legs 
are remains on its solder pads, the solder the rest IC chip contacts. Repeat above 
for the second SMD IC chip. 



  Perform visual inspection of your soldering quality work on SMD components. Use 

bright torch to illuminate board from beneath, so you can clearly see if all contacts 
does not have shortcuts between.   


   Next step is to solder all low height components, like resistors, diodes, fuse, small 

capacitors. Please refer to the components layout picture to see were to mount 
these components. 


  Then solder all high height  components like electrolytic capacitors, buttons, 

connectors and buzzer. Please note that buzzer should be installed with correct 



  Solder Transformer. Please note that as transformer was manufactures in China it 

has first contact on the right  bottom row, not as usually in the left bottom raw. Make 
sure that transformer key matches the key shown on the board. 



  Leave display unsoldered yet. 

