Zones & Scales page
Zones & Scales page
Keyboard Zones
High (A…D), Low (A…D)
These set the highest and lowest notes on which the Layer will sound.
Note: The graphic shows only the standard range of 88 notes.
HFade (High Fade A…D)
The High key acts as a hard split, with full volume on one side and silence on the other.
This allows you to create a keyboard crossfade. As the notes approach the High key, the volume will fade out
gradually. This sets the number of semitones over which the fade-out occurs, working inwards from the High key.
To edit Fade ranges in the Zone graphics, use Option-drag (macOS) or Alt-drag (Windows).
LFade (Low Fade A…D)
See “HFade (High Fade A…D),” above.
Velocity Zones
High Vel (A…D), Low Vel (A…D)
These set the highest and lowest velocities on which the Layer will sound.
High Fade (A…D)
The High Vel acts as a hard split, with full volume on one side and silence on the other.
This lets you create a velocity crossfade. As velocity approaches the High Vel, the volume fades out gradually.
High Fade sets the velocity range over which the fade-out occurs, working inwards from the High Vel.
Low Fade (A…D)
See “High Fade (A…D),” above.
Performance Pitch & Scale
This transposes the entire Performance by 2 octaves, up or down.
This transposes the entire Performance by 12 semitones, up or down.
Use Perf Scale
[Off, On]
The Performance Scale settings, below, are used—unless Global Scale is
, in which case the Global scales are
used instead. See “Global Scale” on page 11.
The Performance Scale settings are ignored.