3.4–3: Slp..8
(Velocity Slope T01–08)
3.4–4: Slp..16
(Velocity Slope T09–16)
3.4–3(4)a: Top Slope, Bottom Slope
Top Slope
Specifies the range of values over which the volume will be
adjusted from the top velocity until the original volume is
Bottom Slope
Specifies the range of values over which the volume will be
adjusted from the bottom velocity until the original volume
is reached.
For a diagram of these parameters, refer to “COMBI 3.4: Ed-
Vel Zone.”
3.4–3(4)b: UTILITY
“Memory Status,” “Rename Multi,” “Delete Multi,”
“Copy From Multi,” “Copy From Combi,” “Load Tem-
plate Multi,” “Save Template Multi” (1.1–1c)
3.4–5: Review
3.4–5a: Velocity Zone Map (All)
This shows the range of velocity that will be sounded by
tracks 1–16. The note range that will be sounded is shown as
a line, and the slope portion is grayed.
3.4–5b: UTILITY
“Memory Status,” “Rename Multi,” “Delete Multi,”
“Copy From Multi,” “Copy From Combi,” “Load Tem-
plate Multi,” “Save Template Multi” (1.1–1c)
Here you can select whether or not to apply filtering to the
MIDI data received by tracks 1–16. For example, even if two
tracks are receiving the same MIDI channels, one can be
made to respond to damper pedal activity while the other
does not.
These settings affect the MIDI messages that are trans-
mitted when you adjust program, pan, volume, porta-
mento and send 1/2 parameters of a track whose
“Status” (3.1–1a/2a) is set to BTH, EXT, or EX2.
(Checked): Reception of MIDI data is enabled. Tracks
whose “Status” (3.1–1a/2a) is INT or BTH will receive MIDI
messages whose channel matches and whose types are
checked. The types of effect that are checked will be applied
to the program of each track when the TRITON-Rack’s con-
trollers are operated or when MIDI data is received. (The
effect dynamic modulation function is not affected by these
settings.) Settings that regulate MIDI transmission/recep-
tion of the TRITON-Rack itself are made in “MIDI Filter”
(GLOBAL 2.1–1b).
If MIDI control changes have been assigned as the function
of the REALTIME CONTROLS knobs or of “SW1” and
“SW2,” the MIDI filter for these controllers (MIDI Filter 3, 4)
will affect these control changes. However if these are the
same as the control changes of MIDI Filter 1, 2, the MIDI Fil-
ter 1, 2 settings will take priority. Furthermore, if the same
control change has been assigned to two or more controllers,
checking any one of the MIDI Filter 3 or 4 parameters will
cause the setting to apply to that control change.
(Unchecked): Reception of MIDI data is disabled.
4.1–1: M1–1..8
(MIDI Filter1–1 T01–08)
4.1–2: 1–1..16
(MIDI Filter1–1 T09–16)
4.1–1(2)a: Program Change, After Touch
Program Change
[Off, On]
Specifies whether or not MIDI program change messages
will be received.
After Touch
[Off, On]
Specifies whether or not MIDI after touch messages will be
4.1–1(2)b: UTILITY
“Memory Status,” “Rename Multi,” “Delete Multi,”
“Copy From Multi,” “Copy From Combi,” “Load Tem-
plate Multi,” “Save Template Multi” (1.1–1c)
MULTI 4.1: MIDI Filter1