Starting uEFI BIOS Setup
ID 1053-6161, Rev. 3.0
Page 3
D R A F T — F O R I N T E R N A L U S E O N L Y
Starting uEFI BIOS Setup
The CP6004-SA/-RA/-RC/CP6004X-SA is provided with a Kontron-customized, pre-installed
and configured version of Aptio® (referred to as uEFI BIOS in this manual), AMI’s next gener-
ation BIOS firmware based on the Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (uEFI) specification
and the Intel® Platform Innovation Framework for EFI.
This uEFI BIOS provides a variety of new and enhanced functions specifically tailored to the
hardware features of the CP6004-SA/-RA/-RC/CP6004X-SA. To take advantage of these func-
tions, the uEFI BIOS comes with an uEFI Shell, which provides quick and easy access to the
individual function settings for control or modification of the uEFI BIOS configuration, and a Set-
up program, which allows the accessing of various menus that provide functions or access to
sub-menus with more specific functions of their own. The individual menus and the configu-
rable functions are described in this guide.
To start the uEFI BIOS Setup program, follow the steps below:
1. Power on the board.
2. Wait until the first characters appear on the screen (POST messages or splash screen).
3. Press the <DEL> or the <F2> key.
4. If the uEFI BIOS is password-protected, a window such as the one below will appear:
Enter either the User password or the Administrator password (refer to Chapter 4,
Security Setup, for further information), press <RETURN>, and proceed with step 2.
5. A Setup menu with the following token attributes will appear.
The currently active menu and the currently active uEFI BIOS Setup item are highlighted
in white.
E n t e r P a s s w o r d