Care and Cleaning
Only the dealer or a trained person authorized by the manufacturer can
perform pre-maintenance or performance commissioning of the oxygen
Manufacturers recommend that running time of the oxygen concentrator is
not less than 30 minutes each time. Do not turn on or off the oxygen
concentrator frequently. Turn on the concentrator at least after 5 minutes
after turning off to protect the compressor's life.
The replacement period is not fixed since the molecular sieve is greatly
affected by the environment (temperature, humidity). The replacement
period is mainly based on concentration change.
Disconnect the equipment from the power supply before performing
maintenance to avoid electric shock. Person without training or
authorization of manufacturer cannot open the cabinet.
Care and Cleaning of cabinet
It’s helpful for normal use to keep the oxygen concentration clean for long.
The outside of the cabinet is cleaned at least once a month. Disconnect the
equipment from the power supply before cleaning.
Concentrator cabinet cannot be washed with water, you can wipe its
surface with a clean soft cotton or sponge. Do not make liquid into the
cabinet gap.
A mild home neutral detergent can be used to wipe the cabinet.
Care and Cleaning of humidifier bottle
Replace the water in humidifiers bottle each day.
Use clean water to clean the humidifier bottle. If there is any besmirch, you
can use warm neutral detergent or solution of white vinegar and hot water
with proportion of 1:10 to wash it. Clean the bottle with hot water, and
then fill it with distilled water within the specified water level before using.